One great cord is thinning,
No one will hear it snap...
The great idol cries over him
Crystal clear tears over red fur
The baking heat
The glowing sun
You remind me of someone,
Not so far back,
I was a fawn
I was afraid
Oh, I remember
You are the great stag
The white one's lover
The guardian of the child, Ji
You're the one I find with the angel
And the one who loses his mask
Attacking, raging, unthinking...
I shall help you get it back
Pick up two peices of a broken cord
Put them back together again
Seal them off with hot wax
Let's hope they do not break
Oh goodness, what are ya
Thank you so much~ It was an absolute pleasure to trade with you :'D
Wow, well YAY I didn't fail,
I'm glad you like it <3
Your welcome and thanks-you^-^