Kaoori's blog

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[Intermission Nine] Cat--- I mean Stagfight!

At the Nara temple in Japan, wild shika deer have been roaming the area for thousands of years. These animals are considered sacred and 'senbei', deer rice cakes can be bought to feed them. Of course.. some deer don't like to share, as seen in this video.
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[New Life]

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[Non TEF] Windows Movie Maker

Does anyone know where I can get a copy of windows movie maker without having to download the new windows MSN? I had awful problems with it and would rather not download it.

Thanks for any help anyone can give me.

ps. I have windows 7.
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[Intermission ...Eight?] A Harrowing Rescue

A trapped baby fawn is reunited with its Mom thanks to the handiwork of some firefighter heroes.
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Non-tef but thinking about others less fortunate.

I did this for Japan, but now in my own country there's a lot of suffering going on now as well. There's flooding disasters and we've had a record tornado breakout that has killed many and left thousands without anything. An entire town was wiped out in the beginning of this week by one tornado, in minutes. I feel like I'm asking too much of everyone, but even if you can pass the word around to people who -can- do this, who have some loose change to spare.. maybe these people can get some peace of mind again.

The Red Cross always helps, you can go to www.redcross.org. I think this is sadly the only international organization I know.

Feeding America: www.feedingamerica.org will donate food to the towns affected.

The Salvation Army: www.salvationarmy.org These guys have been bringing truckloads of supplies down to the affected places. I also donate personal things such as clothes and such on a regular basis to these guys.

I'd offer art for donations if I could, but for now this is all I can do. Thanks for reading if you got this far, and spread the word if you can.
And if you know of any other charities, please let me know.
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Fun little Non-Tef thing I found, but could be very related


For those of you that play music in the forest, or while you're drawing, this constantly loops, and I love to play music in youtube with this running in the background. Somehow it just adds to an instrumental's mood. Smiling
Kaoori's picture

Revisiting the Past

"I can see them from here..yes, that's them! That's my herd.. and my father. I'd recognize his smell after all these years, no matter what.."
The two stood there for a while, watching the herd of shika. The shika grazed, having not noticed them standing nearby. Their coats were all the same variety- shedding their winter coats and gaining their tan color with spots for the summer. Kaoori stood, enthralled. She took a step closer.
"It would be wise if you did not move closer and make your presence known, Kaoori", Wesker stated quietly. She had told him of her past, knew of her father's forced abandonment of her.
"But my mother.. I don't see her.. she's not there!" Although Kaoori's parents had both abandoned her to the Endless Forest at an early age, she still had strong feelings for them, and it was upsetting to her to not see her mother as part of the herd. She bounded off in its direction, not hearing Wesker's yell of surprise.
There were many new faces in her herd. Many of the older ones noticed her, but did not recognize her, and shied away. One brave new face stepped up to touch noses with her, and this caused an alarm from one of the elders; a stomp on the forest floor.
A hearty snort was heard from nearby and Kaoori turned to face her father. He had not changed much, age had been kind to the stag. He had grown another tine, found a few more scars in the battles to keep his females. But time was creeping up to him.
"Father...", Kaoori whispered, turning to face him. They had not seen each other since she was a small fawn. Her emotions swirled in her heart; so many things she wished to say but nothing could come about.
Katsutoshi rememebered this one. She'd been smaller than the rest. He'd hoped after they'd abandoned her she wouldn't make it. She somehow had.
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The Figure

A small figure
Sits on a shelf
Once well loved
Now well loved by the dust

The days go by
The shadows dance past
The figure she watches
With eyes of glass

One day comes along
On the shelf a new one joins
But a tragic nudge happens
The figure falls, destroyed.

The pieces of the figure
Are picked up with care
So it goes, simply one day
The figure was just not there.
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