ickydog's blog

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Wonderland's DODO {Uilleam}

Place holder. Will add more shortly. (For the Wonderland RP)


The Dodo

Picto: ##

Crazy, indecisive, kind, giving, bit of a dolt


Dancing, running in random patterns, tea, Wonderland orgies


Being wet


Alice, the Duck, the Eaglet, the Lory


The Red Queen




My, my my! We should have a caucus race!
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How do you make a hyperlink?

I suck at coding. Hard. I learned how to do italics and type in a different color (go me!)
But how do you make a hyperlink? You know, rather than posting a link and having the whole long thing there. Like, if I said to click "here", clicking the word "here" would take you to the page.
Does that make sense?
Any other coding tips? Is there a simple way to center things in a post (rather than default align left)?

Thank you in advance!!! I'm trying to learn! Maybe I'll even build up the courage to try css!
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Moar FUN! (screenies galore!)

Fae always has fun in the forest! These are from the last few days - if you see your deer, let me know!!! (Though I know who some of you are!)

Fae and Mufazzal! She wuvs him!!

Lovely day to sit and watch the fawns, isn't it old chap? Fae and Mufazzal are tree dancing in the foreground.

Fae and Mufazzal at the drink plaats

OMG! We're bats!!

Liam is checking out Woden's butt.

Fae with Liam

Fae and Woden resting

Ooooooooooo. Dat stinky? I know Phobos and Honeyfur are there . . .

Dat ass! Look! It be sparkly!

Dance party on the water!! Is that Tandem I see?

Mini fawn is mini . . .

More water dancing! I LOVE the mini's mask!!! OMG!Exclaim
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My Deer, all in one place

I figured it would be nice to have a place where all my deer reside, as I now have 3. I'll include a link to their bio pages, and a brief description here. I can't make it all pretty, because CSS makes my poor brain 'splode.

I'm listing them in order of importance (to me)

Fae: http://endlessforest.org/community/fae-bio
She represents me. She IS me. Everything she does is in character, and is me. She is my main deer - the one I play the most. She is very special to me. Monarch pelt and antlers, butterfly or no mask. She now likes to show her pretty face Smiling

Roe: http://endlessforest.org/community/roe
My newest deer. She is a fawn right now, but will have the full magpie set as an adult. She also represents me, but my more calm/reserved/depressed side. She won't be as boisterous in game, and will be a little shy - a bit of a loner.

Shalaco: http://endlessforest.org/community/shalaco
My first deer. I don't play him very often, but he holds a special place in my heart. He's very silly.
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{Roe} Announcement added

Feel free to RP with Roe!

In mourning.

~see here.


Thank you Spyrre, for the edit!

Name: Roe
Picto: Unbalanced Scale
Species: Mule Deer
Sex: Doe, hind
Age: Young Adult
Size: 12 here
Appearance: Default pelt, noh (doe) antlers, real deer mask, mini spell. Roe is a smallish mule deer with large ears. She has a light greyish-brown coat and soft grey eyes.
*Friendly *Caring *Open *Honest
*Playfull *Free-spirited *Stubborn *Loving

Roe is an open and caring deer, friendly to most everyone. She is wary of stags at first, until she knows them. Protective of fawns, she enjoys herding them. Roe is quite playful and silly at times and enjoys short runs. She may come across as shy and reserved, but warms up quickly. Roe relies heavily on her instincts.

Thank you so much, Xemi!

Roe is a healer . . .

Roe is a healer by nature and will help other deer in need - even if she doesn't like them. Roe uses herbs, roots, molds, etc in her healing. She knows quite a bit of medicine and stitches wounds closed using sinew, fur, thin strands of vine - whatever she finds that will work.
Roe was chased from her herd when she was a fawn and ended up in the Endless Forest. The dominant male of the herd led the chase, comanding other members of the herd to join in. He was jealous/threatened by Roe's healing capabilities, as even at a young age, they were great. Roe started out very timid and fearful of stags. With the help of Ishibaba and Liam, she started coming out of her shell and building confidence.
Before his death, Roe's father taught her how to fight. She hated fighting and swore she never would, however, things changed when another pack of rock hounds entered the forest. She helped Quad, Phion and numerous other deer fight off the rock hounds, killing a few herself. Her confidence soared with her newfound strength and she discovered that not all stags are bad.

Iphea - Mate, beloved

Bawewin - Daughter, loved and missed, RIP

Anjali - Acquaintance
Weber - Curious of, friend?
Honeyfur - Curious of
Snake - Friend
Ishibaba - Friend
Liam - Friend
Ila - Adoptive mother to

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Fae as a MINI! And other Shenanigans! (fun screenies)

This morning, Fae spent a great deal of time helping this deer get his set (not sure who he is . . .)

It took awhile, but he got his set. I think he wanted to be a mini, 'cause he led me to a mushroom circle.

Then Woden showed up!!! (I'm pretty sure that's Woden . . .)

Well, Mr. Fancy-in-my-new-duds Durr logged off before I could make him a mini. But Woden totally turned me into one!!


And earlier, I met some fancy matching deer. I joined them.

Lookit dem durr butts!!

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Recent Screenies

Why yes! More screenies!!

Fae the fawn sitter! Fae LOVES fawns!

How inappropriate!Exclaim

Fae likes wearing her set as a fawn. Isn't she adorable?

Yep. Fae and Phobos acting crazy under water.

Oooomm . . . . I'm a tree . . . . oommmmm


Mini me?

Why for you mini me?
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RP with Fae!!! ~ Please?

Fae would LOVE to RP with you all!!! EVERYONE is welcome! Fae can be silly and inappropriate at times. She trusts quickly, is kind, and can be moody at times. She's never rude, though.
Her bio ---> http://endlessforest.org/community/fae-bio

Short scenario:
A light breeze was blowing, gently ruffling the fur on the butterfly doe. Fae was relaxing next to "her" stump, down by the pond. She loved laying by the tree stump - it made her feel safe for some reason. It was her prefered place to sleep, and she was always relaxed there. It also afforded an excellent view of the pond. She could watch the other deer and fawns, playing by the water, spell spamming . . . .
Her ears picked up movement behind her. She turned her head to see who was approaching.
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Look! We're Big! (artwork)

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I drew my doe Fae and her bestest bud Mufazzal all grown up! AND WITH HUMANOID FACES OMG!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!!!

Image probably big - sorry!

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Fae and Mufazzal - artwork

Drew a picture of Fae and her bff Mufazzal as fawns! I drew them both as "real" fawns, only because I felt like it Smiling
Fae loves Mufazzal.

Drawn with prismacolor colored pencils, ink, and coffee on watercolor paper
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