Hubalaboo's blog

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The Flowers of the Forest...



We are the red pretties-
The bright sundrops against the green grass.
We are proud to say we are the tallest-
You speak wrongly! There are the high yellow blooms that like the heights of the Ruins, do you forget?
Oh, please, Crimson, those blooms cheat and climb to be taller!
Now, now! Sillies, we speak of ourselves, not them-
Our colors range from dark red to tawny orange, every pinch of ochre, and every drop of blood, and every sliver of ruby.
We gaze upon the Weeper's face, and we live in bundles here and there...
Bundles of brightness and large blooms! We are pretty, don't you admit?

There isn't really a lot to say about us, is there?...
We are lowly, after all...
So common within the Forest.
I suppose our colors are quite pleasant, but...
Well, we range from dark violet to light blue...
And I suppose we shimmer slightly...
Really, we're not the greatest... The poppies are far prettier than we...

[=#F2ACC1]Oh, I seem so underrated all the time, when I am obviously the prettiest!
You're all silly flowers, look at me!
Look at how perfectly bowl-shaped I am, with beautiful curving petals, tinted peach at their tips.
Look how flawlessly I can float upon the water, silent and beautiful!
Don't you all envy me? Surely those lowly, ugly flowers leave something to be desired?
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Clavier's Tale


[center]Clavier ran.

She ran within a living nightmare; it was so hard to believe that this was real, but it was real, so terribly, terribly real. The flames were bright and fuming close behind, roaring with rage, with poison breath, and the air smoked around her face, making her cough and making tears stream out from her eyes. Great cracks and crashes sounded all around her, the sounds of falling giants and dying titans. A nightmare that was real.

Only a moment ago, her life had been perfect. She had been laughing, laughing with her mother and father, laughing and running in the sunlight-

Come on, Ma! Slowpoke!-
Butterflies. Meadow flowers, underfoot. Soft grass.
Haha! No, stop, Ma, that tickles!- A thump. A bout of laughter.
A deeper voice; a chuckle.
Oh, Pa, not you too!
Butterflies, chasing butterflies. Warm sunlight.
Running hooves... More laughter.
Sudden silence.
Ma? Pa?...
What's wrong?...

The sharp tang of smoke-

A great tree, a cedar ages old, gave a final groan and toppled, slowly, slowly down, engulfed in red flames. With a crash it collided with the fire's main body, and the sparks shattered into the sky, leaping like glowing fleas. The great tree fed the flames, and they crackled triumphantly, moving even faster and closing in on Clavier.
Terrorized, she could not even cry out; the fear of being burned alive was so great, it was only run, run, run.
Then she heard it. Two screams. The screams of her mother and father.
They were suddenly cut off.
The roaring flames was all that could be heard now, but the screams rang endlessly in her head.
She had left them behind. She had thought only of saving herself, when she was the fastest and the youngest.

She had left them to die.
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My deer

*P l u m e r i a*
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~*Clavier's Biography*~


__C l a v i e r__

[center]Name: Clavier
Gender: Doe
Pictogram: In picture, and here
Age: young doe
Set: In-forest, the Golden Butterfly pelt, the Crying mask, and the butterfly antlers. However, when drawn/written about, she also has very curly butterfly antennae, and many markings (see picture above).

Clavier is a very sad, anguished doe. She is extremely frightened of other deer, hiding behind trees and cowering if they approach. She also has a very negative view of herself, blaming herself for the deaths of her parents, as well as many other things, often calling herself "wicked" or "cowardly". If she is calling out a lot, usually that means she is crying.
Once she is past her initial fear of a deer, however, she can get strong (which later fades to shamefulness and terror once again). It is possible to befriend her, but it takes an immense amount of patience and persistence. Running up to her will most likely destroy any chance to befriend her.
One thing she does actually enjoy is music. Music has kept her alive, in a way. It is easy for her to find music in unlikely things; even deer.

The Now: Since she found love, she has changed. She is now stronger and not as frightened of other deer as she was before. Her view of herself is now quite positive.

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:< Where's Anzel?

Does anyone know? Sad

I miss her and her entries...
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~Deer Meme thingie~

Who are you?

I'm Plumeria, the Flower Fae. But really, just call me Plume! ^^
I am Olive. I do not have a title... ^^;

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Oh, yes! Younger brother right here!
We are siblings, Plume and I.

Do you have a mate?

No... Well... I can't exactly, right now, you see. But... I wish.
Yes, I do... My sweet Forest Wanderer, Nina. <33333

Do you have any kids?


What is your favourite food?

Grass and toadstools and blueberries. ^^
I do not mind them all, but I suppose I like pinecones and grass the most.

Have you ever killed anyone?

No! D: How horrid!
I have not and I will never.

Do you hate anyone?

No, I don't.
It isn't hate, but I think... I think I despise the stag Apollo, wherever he may be.

Do you love anyone?

Of course! I love Olly here, and I love Taint very, very much. I just wish she wasn't cursed, because then...
Yes, my mate Nina, and my sister here.
Aww, love you too!! *snuggle*

What is your status in the forest?

Well... I suppose we're slightly known for giving flowers to nameless deer, if that's what you mean.

There is a deer who is teasing you; what do you do?
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BURN, MIDTERM EXAMS, BURN! *shakes fist*
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Stuff about me!

xD I'm doing it too! Random stuff about me...

*I'm a 14-year-old midget!
*I'm half Japanese! (Mum's side)
*I don't like traveling much; I like to stay home
*I have two supercute little gerbils; Pepper and Mint <3333 I love them!
*It's snowing right now! /random x3
*I've never stepped into the strange land called "boyfriends". I'm too young for that!
*Sometimes I wish I could become a bird and fly 8D
*I really like my highschool, but I don't like homework...
*... Thing is, I feel terrible if I don't do it, or if I don't study. lD So I always do it and I always study.
*I looooove reading. I eat books.
*I still don't fully understand why the sky is blue.
*I'm part of the 'short team'; that is, my best friends are all midgets like me. 8D Go midgets!
*The 'short team' consists of two red-haired twins, a science nerd, and me, a regular nerd!
*My worst enemy is time. Grr.
*I love writing, too.
*I love playing computer games
*I fail at sports lD
*I'm level ARCT piano (teacher/performer level) It's hard! x_x
*I HATE MALLS. No offense to all the mall-lovers, but I just hate going to the mall. I think it's all the chemicals in the air or something; my eyes start to water and I feel exhausted after, like, half an hour. o_x Ugh.
*Generally I don't like shopping.
*I'm terribly worried about the environment and what's happening to the earth right now. ;_;
*I have really bad eyesight xD; Like, REALLY BAD. My glasses are super thick.

Yay. I'll probably add more if I think of anything. ^^
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... And if I ever do get a Wii, Super Smash Bros and Okami are first on the list. (Okami looks beautiful asdasf)

*sniff* I wanna play. x(
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~:Lonely Winter's Evening:~

"It's very pretty," says Plumeria to herself.

The snow swirls down, and the Forest is muffled by it, and the world is quiet. Somewhere there is a slight thump; a bough heavy with white has let fall its burden onto the ground.
Plume shivers; so do the violets. The snow is cold, as would be expected, but it's not a death kind of cold, it's a lively kind of cold, so it's not as bad. The violets are hardy, and they will make it through the winter.
Plume looks up at the never-ending spinning flakes head toward her face. They cling to her eyelashes and kiss her goodbye before they melt into little ice-cold droplets that run down her face.
She watches the white world slowly turn whiter from her little spot within the violets, near the golden mushroom circlet. She takes a delicate hoof out from under her and draws a faint heart in the snow, and watches white flakes slowly cover it up.

Somewhere, far away, there's pounding hoofbeats and some cries of joy, and she sees silhouettes of deer in the distance, running in the snow. A sigh escapes from her in a puff of frosted breath; she only wishes there was a deer to sit with her and watch the beautiful landscape with her now, but no one ever seemed to notice her. The violets were always with her, yes, but they didn't like to talk in the cold.

"I'm lonely..." she says quietly to herself. There isn't anyone else to talk to.


Olive rears up and cracks his hooves against the ice; it shatters and a hole just big enough for him to drink from lies open, the clear water lapping at the edges of the ice. He dips his head and drinks the icy water, sip by sip, careful not to freeze his tongue. It is cold but refreshing, for a moment dulling the aching pain in his chest.
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