Stuff about me!

Hubalaboo's picture
xD I'm doing it too! Random stuff about me...

*I'm a 14-year-old midget!
*I'm half Japanese! (Mum's side)
*I don't like traveling much; I like to stay home
*I have two supercute little gerbils; Pepper and Mint <3333 I love them!
*It's snowing right now! /random x3
*I've never stepped into the strange land called "boyfriends". I'm too young for that!
*Sometimes I wish I could become a bird and fly 8D
*I really like my highschool, but I don't like homework...
*... Thing is, I feel terrible if I don't do it, or if I don't study. lD So I always do it and I always study.
*I looooove reading. I eat books.
*I still don't fully understand why the sky is blue.
*I'm part of the 'short team'; that is, my best friends are all midgets like me. 8D Go midgets!
*The 'short team' consists of two red-haired twins, a science nerd, and me, a regular nerd!
*My worst enemy is time. Grr.
*I love writing, too.
*I love playing computer games
*I fail at sports lD
*I'm level ARCT piano (teacher/performer level) It's hard! x_x
*I HATE MALLS. No offense to all the mall-lovers, but I just hate going to the mall. I think it's all the chemicals in the air or something; my eyes start to water and I feel exhausted after, like, half an hour. o_x Ugh.
*Generally I don't like shopping.
*I'm terribly worried about the environment and what's happening to the earth right now. ;_;
*I have really bad eyesight xD; Like, REALLY BAD. My glasses are super thick.

Yay. I'll probably add more if I think of anything. ^^

Hubalaboo wrote:*My worst

Hubalaboo wrote:
*My worst enemy is time. Grr.



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