WELCOME TO MY MESS OF A ROOM. Before I start, let me just point out that the random green stickers all over my pictures are Japanese nouns for the item they're on because I am a nerd. I also would have loved to write directly onto my pictures but my tablet is at my mom's--this is my dad's--so you get long descriptions instead. :c sorry.
I don't know what to say about this besides I share a room with my sister yes so ONWARDS
This is where I spend like 75% of my life, in this little half of the room. MY COMPUTER DESK. Yes it's all on my dresser lol because the room is cramped so. But I like it. Let's go through it PIECE BY PIECE.
yes I blurred the mirror in all the pics because I was in it ROFL
Ryo Nishikido on my (very clean) desktop. Figurines on the top of my sideways computerrrr. CLOSE-UP EXPLANATION? AWRIGHT!
We have a little dragon figurine behind Princess Leia who sadly cannot outshine GOLDEN CAP'N JACK SPARROW. "Sparkly" Edward Cullen, eat your heart out.
We also have Bambi mounting my webcam. yes. Um a PotC trading card because I liked the girl's design or something FJKDs behindddd lovebirds~ and
England's unicorn. We also have a Hamtaro character cheering my pen and pencil (rofl stickers) on. ROCKS... My "Gackt ring", and last but not least, Davy Jones (WHO'S HAT FALLS OFF
A LOT) and Barbossa.
Next is a Sharkboy figure and a Garrett figure. They look gay yes.. Then it's a preprinted Johnny Depp autograph because he is too ~*schnappy-awesome*~ to sign personal photos via mail or something.