Fledermaus's blog

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The Epiphany

(Bah, big pictures are BIG)

I have some screenies to share (nothing new from anyone else's xD). This must be 1/3 of the amount I took, so I need to cut back a little next time o___O I also took some video clips, but I haven't looked at them yet.

So anyway:

Darkness fall on the pre-party, and lightning strikes!

The herd, following the Gods.

What's this? Fled looks dashing in his new BAN pelt.

A dance party breaks out a few feet away from the action, with Laruna, Redkora, Quad.

All this fog is a little too much! Where is everyone?

Stars descend on strings.

Squirrels bursting out of the ground would make anyone uneasy.

The Ruins grew and grew!

Hmmm, this is a strange looking fawn....

Fled finds Yorres at the playground through the mist.
Fledermaus's picture

Placid snow drifts from the deep sky-

- It floats and sinks and falls and settles on my fur where each flake drowns in the warmth and ceases to exist. This boulder is cold, the air is cold and my skin is numb but a heat glows from within my chest and wraps my heart with a kind touch.

And for what? I hold no sentiment; no passion, nor ache. What am I but an observer like the floras, who wait out their lives upon the great stretch of time and only monitor the days that pass by? No mouth with which to speak- no mind with which to empathize- and only the swift wind can break their static poses.

In every way, I am like any other. There is naught that sets me apart and this I gladly embrace. I shall remain neutral, unlike an entity but rather a passing feeling or the mundane scent of Forest earth. Brief and forgettable. And I feel not as a being- I have become detached from the bleak animal which now shivers atop the lonely expanse of granite watching the finches hop upon topbranches. It is as if my mind had split and that which controls my routine actions has stayed to let me trudge through the day, while my unfastened mentality floats above to mull over the insignificant.

Fledermaus's picture

Lol bye everybody!

IIIIIIIII am being driven off to South Carolina for a few days and my grandmother doesn't even know what internet is, so I won't be on at all. :<
Also, as a Christmas miracle, my computer just died again so I need to get that fixed somehow. -_-
That means I won't be able to work on your requests, Flyra and Raina, while I have nothing else to do -_- But I'll get back to it when I fix it.

ALSO I won't be here when Quad's pressie comes in the mail :< And I bet my mom will open it and be like "lol wut?"

So, peace out girl scouts!

ANDHEY I got a Zune 8D
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Quamar! I hope the gift I sent you still exists....

Hah, I'm starting to worry about the box I sent, it was about two weeks ago. I hope it didn't get lost in the Bermuda triangle of postal services. -_- Plus I'm not really sure how long it takes to mail something to Finland, but if it doesn't arrive in a few days then that would be bad. :/
Fledermaus's picture

Haha, WTF??!?? Fledermaus is in my textbook! xD

Epic lulz. Yeah, I knew "Die Fledermaus" is the name of an opera, but it was kinda weird to see Alfred Roller's poster for it in my Art History school textbook. xD

That is all. ;D
Fledermaus's picture



Fledermaus's picture

.Dreaming. (short story)

Slight warning: the content is adult-ish, but nothing too explicit.

This humandeer super short story takes place in London, England in 1876. This would be years before their current ages, relatively speaking, so Fledermaus would be about 17 and Masque about 24. It explains a bit of my character's backgrounds, and shows just how evil Masque really is C:< Obviously, people back then spoke a bit differently, plus both of them are mainly German, so at the bottom I've compiled some footnotes because I know everyone loves reading textbook material. xD Sorry for the history and language lessons, but it'd be weird to read otherwise. xD

Also, the piece that Fledermaus is playing is called Träumerei (Dreaming) by R. Schumann, and you can listen to it here (it's quite lovely). Okay, I'm done being boring now. xD


Formal and beautiful, the piano’s chords resounded throughout the dimly lit parlor. The sonata’s gentle rhythm had cast the whole room, and its only occupant, into a state of calm tranquility. In the entrance hall, a Black Forest styled wooden clock distinguished by deer antler carvings matched the tempo with its steady and hushed ticks. The player himself was devoid of outward emotion, his head lowered in thought and watching his slight fingers gently play the aged ivory keys. His brown eyes were dull, as if from weariness. Morning sunlight streamed inwards through the faded front window and brought warmth where it settled to the right side of his body in an otherwise chilled room. Outside, people passed by in carriages and on foot. Curbside men escorted their ladies delicately by the arm, engaging in light conversation, and children played lightheartedly.
Fledermaus's picture

.Only One Thing. (Roleplay)

"In a village in the hills
House buried to the window sills in snow
In a prison yard at night
An Alsatian barking for the stars to go
In the attic of a house
In the slats of light which creep across the room
In a forest grove at dawn
Where the animals sleep hidden in the gloom

There is only one thing"

"Set Yourself on Fire" ~ Stars

Welcome to (another) humandeer roleplay. :B I welcome anyone and everyone to join, and only ask that you write in a literate format (because descriptions are delicious). Feel free to join in anywhere at any time, and have fun with it! Oh, and don't be surprised if the rating in here surpasses a Disney film, because Masque alone has a difficult time controlling his language. xD


The setting is a kitschy downtown type of area, decorated with cheery winter lights and occupied by people doing their holiday shopping. It's a late afternoon a week before Christmas, and there's a light snowfall at the moment. In the evening, a holiday parade will take place on the main street, complete with floats, balloons, bands, and what-have-you.


Also, pictures and tidbits of info on my characters are here. Okay, I'm done boring you now C:

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If I started a roleplay...

...would anyone join it? I have roleplayed in ages, and a humandeer one sounds good to me right about now....
Fledermaus's picture

-Humandeer Info-


[=Times New Roman][=11][=#A9ACB7]Name: Fledermaus Rineheart
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Date of Birth: November 9th, 1983
Place of Birth: Stuttgart, Germany
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Dark brown
Height/Weight: 5'10", 150 lbs


- He was brought up with a strict education on behaving cordially, so he has a strong sense of etiquette.
- Sports a short goatee.
- Clothing style could be described as vintage or semiformal, and wears a lot of black, blue, white, gray, and brown.
- Works in an independent letterpress studio, consequently is knowledgeable about typography, papers, inks, and printing machinery.
- His name means "bat" in German.
- Married to Wyvern
- Knows how to ballroom dance.
- Has traveled to numerous countries during childhood, including England, Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, India, Brazil, South Africa, and more.
- Can speak fluent German and French, and is teaching himself Latin.
- Ex-smoker.
- Started playing piano at 3 years old, and currently plays at an advanced level.
- Would like to teach playing the piano or music in general.
- Doesn't have a car; thinking about buying one.
- Enjoys reading books and plays, photography, and taking walks.
- Farsighted, has to wear glasses for reading.
- Has a slightly crooked nose from when Masque broke it.
- Can be rather socially awkward or quiet in larger groups.
- Recently moved into a small house with Wyvern.
- Has a female border collie,
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