fayne's blog

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The LAST wedding annoucement. I swear, it's really happening this time. I hope. (Time changed lol)

Who: Bale and T

What: Wedding. :B Well, more of a party celebrating the wedding. |D Just celebrate!

When: All day!

Where: Everywhere! We usually hang out at the lake, though. XD

Other: Come as you like. Just have a good time. c:

Quick other announcement. I'll be leaving on Wednesday for a few days. And December 2nd's my birthday. :B

[edit] THANK YOU ALL FOR BEING SO PATIENT. I've had a lot of problems come up in planning this. XD <333
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Top Five Meme

Your turn: your top five songs, clothing items and quotes.

lol as usual found on LJ. I guess this is my...current top five because things change fast. :B

i. Footloose by Kenny Loggins because YES I KNOW IT'S OLD but it's got a great beat.
ii. Sounds of Madness by Shinedown because I said so.
iii. Tell Her About It by Billy Joel because of the same reasons as Footloose.
iv. Only Time by Enya because it's really heartwarming. :3
v. High School Never Ends by Bolwing for Soup because it sounds hilarious to me.

Clothing Items
uno ~ JACKETS. I dunno if it's the weather or what but jackets are so important right now to me. Doesn't matter what kind so long as it's not junk - furry hoodies and just plain old pullover sweatshirts are the norm.
dos ~ Jeans plz. Tightlegs are nice. <:
tres ~ Hats. End of story.
cuatro ~ That spelling is according to Halogen, so don't blame me. Uhm. Sweatpants? lol idk but they're so comfyyyy.
sinco ~ Shoes. Usually it's flipflops or none, but in the winter months skate shoes are a must. :B

un: "Let's put a smile on that face." Duh lol.
deux: "You know, some people confuse my sense of humor with cruelty."
trois: lol I ran out.

IF YOU WANT TO DOTHIS then go ahead maybe I'll finish later.
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HAHAHA HA I'm going to write something to make everyone happy unlike all the emo/arguing posts. :D

-gets down to business-
-hit in face-

The Forest is the most creative, bright, and accepting community I've ever been introduced to. Everyone's got something great to say and it makes me feel fantastic when someone actually considers my ideas good. No one's putting anyone else down, and we can build on each others' ideas to make great points and new insight. And every time someone's down, there's always a member who appears in the nick of time to cheer them up. At the oekaki I'm familiar with, it's just disjointed comments and vague humor. On all of the petsites I've joined, it's simply too big to get any sort of personal. I love this place because we're like some wierd gypsy family who always supports each other. No matter how many times we get in fights, or start drama, there's always someone to cool it off or bring us down off of our high horses. All in all, it's a fantastic place we got here. No need to get so down. c:

-done- lol but srsly I felt the need to cheer at least somebody up.
fayne's picture

Junk of the Day (provided by me lulz)

11.18.08 - Man Tries to Pay Bill With Spider Drawing

11.19.08 - Bosian Man's House Hit 5 Times By Meteorites

11.20.08 - Obama reads Twilight NOOOOOO our country really is dying

lol. If you find anything hilarious/interesting/etc, post a link and I'll put it up sometime. :B If it's good enough. ;D
fayne's picture

quick poll hi.

How many of you have:




Just wondering which one is liked the best lol. :B -bored-
fayne's picture



NAME: Pandemonium
SEX: f
deer - Monarch pelt, Peacock feathers, DotD mask
human - Shoulder-length, frizzy, curly, flaming orange hair. Green eyes. Prefers to dress in a 'rebellious' fashion, but is most often seen in the jumpsuit of the latest prison broken out of.
SIGNS: Fire; Virgo/Earth

Modus Operandi

To put it quite simply, Pan is crazy. She's obnoxious, cheerful, and wild at all hours. However facetious she may seem, she's deadly, if one's guard is let down, and has been known to use grisly and torturous methods of killing her 'closest friends'. She has schizophrenia and psuedobulbar effect, which manifest in her actions - mainly talking to herself and laughng or crying wildly for no apparent reason. Despite her insanity, she has a shrewd mind, quick on picking up little details and tiny loopholes that will lead to the outside world's downfall. She has no faith or trust in anyone and would kill as soon as look at a person. Though she spends half of most days sleeping, she can be seen furiously trying to get out of the cage she was imprisioned in or stalking helpless, oblivious deer. She has no hope for the world, and merely sees other creatures as fresh minds to mess with. she has never been known to have a romantic side. She'd probably eat the thing afterwards. Though she has been compared to many other psycopaths, she's bred herself apart from the rest, in at least some minds.

Criminal History

Pandemonium was not always insane. Other information is unavailable at this time.

Last Seen
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Hmmm, guys? Opinions plz.

I...like taking pictures. c: But I don't have my own camera. I've got a bit of money - which was being saved for something else but lol - and I've been looking around for something that I might like. Can you tell me about any good cameras that I might be interested in?

1. Reasonable cost
2. Preferrably point-and-shoot
3. Good in all types of lighting
4. High-quality photos that can be screwed around with on Photoshop XD

So far I've been thinking that the best choice is the camera my dad uses for work, even though I'd have to buy my own because his is government property. XD But it looks nice. Soooo, suggestions? c:
fayne's picture

Troubles with my computer, any help? :|

Lately, my computer's refused to download two things - iTunes and Adobe Flash. When I restart after 'downloading' iTunes, it hasn't installed. As for Flash, I install it and it works until I turn off my computer, after which it resets itself. I can't use iTunes without plugging in my iPod, which I suppose is alright. But having to install Flash every time I get on is annoying and I can't get on iScribble or some other places without it. So uh. Help?

[edit] Now I can't upload movies onto Youtube. I've heard a few other people having uploading problems, but I think my computer's my issue. I think we're going to have it looked at next week. I've checked all the firewalls and stuff on my computer and they're off. :|
fayne's picture

Haha ha random new RP blog hi.

sdgfdsgsdfg. I'm so bored and lol. SO OKAY. -sits on heads-

Characters: Play as many as you can handle. I'll only allow a certain number of people to join right now, but chars are unlimited for y'all. c: I FORGOT TO MENTION I'LL BE TUNA obviously AND AEROS HI.

Literate ppl please. Sorry I forgot to mention that. XD

1. Grass as George roflrolforlf.
2. Sarie - Vipin fo sho. And Aspenass and Calfaec. :B
3. Squeegie - Squeegie, Loofa and Bale HAHA I WIN <333
4. Pega -Richter and Kinsha WAPAAAAA.
5. Zerg as herself/himself lol.
6. Her as Key lkjsdlgkjsdg.

Setting: Uh. -thinks- How about um. -THINKS HARDER- A hotel. ffff. I dunno. |D HOTEL IN THE. uh. MOUNTAINS. sure k.

Plot: LEAN WIT IT ROCK WIT IT actually just go with the flow hi.

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omfg seriously HOLY HELL. It was so vivid and...jdsfhgdfh. Gotta write it down.


I was at Walmart. lol. Whole family was there, shopping for who knows what. I was working there as...a cashier, I think. Me and some other chick were training a new girl, showing her stuff. Suddenly I totally came face-to-face with these two customers or something. The older one looked about fourteen, a lot like that Sunshine Girl in iCarly that beat up Spencer continuously. The blond one. <: She had a little sister with short brown hair. She started beating me up verbally - the usual arguments. c: How 'you're not cool' and 'you have no friends' and stuff. So she pushed me. I pushed her shopping cart on top of her and made a break for it. We did a lot of running - I was mostly dodging whatever she threw/shot/came at me with. After a bit I was in the back of the store and she grabbed me by the wrist. She had a knife this time (shit). She was...crying rofl. She's all 'IF I KILL YOU THEY'LL MAKE ME POPULAR' and stuff. I was just like lol in her face. She nicked me with the knife, but before she could hurt me she started crying and ran away. <: SCORE. Then my family showed up and my sister was crying lol. My dad was looking at me and laughing and I was like 'wut.' He goes 'She thought you were one of the popular kids?'

And then I woke up.


In other news I'll be home all day so I'd love to hear some interpretations of this. |D
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