anzel's blog

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...huh? Candles?

I never load candles.

I currently have it so that I can't lose my set by falling in the pond, and I opened the game again, and I was sleeping in the same spot I've been in for a while, and nothing odd had ever appeared before.

Looked around (wasn't even connected), and I saw candles. o.o; Where did they come from? I can't seem to see them again. It's weird. They appeared, and disappeared.

*wonders* I didn't get a screenie, unfortunately x.x

I'm near the playground rocks...
Anzel's picture


I'm feeling really stressed and angry and enraged at life right now, I don't know why...

So I'm sorry if I seem rude or cold today. It's not on purpose. It's all I can do not to scream. x.x

I have a feeling it's just a bad mood swing.

If I can get into the forest, I'll probably be Taint, because I can better express myself through her at the moment...

(her set is a golden butterfly mask, monarch butterfly antlers, great argus pelt...her picto looks kinda like an E...)
Anzel's picture

I be shucking you.

Your corn, that is. /randomness

What is the group near the stream and bridge consisting of? I saw two deer facing each other and one sleeping...who is it? :3

I couldn't see your pictos XD;

By the way, check out my 3 new pictures, mwahaha.
Anzel's picture

Yum. VEIN is in the forest.

Watch out for Vein. He's eating the deer he sees. :3
Anzel's picture

Poem requests :3 Want a poem?

Just tell me a bit about your deer, your deer's gender, etc...

And tell me a tale about your deer.

And I shall write a poem. Hehe :3

Or maybe show me a pic along with the info.
Anzel's picture

Magnet would be SO embarrassed...

...if he knew that he appeared as such to Anzel:

Anzel's picture


Actually, it's just Vein. Being an evil dimwit, as usual.

Anzel's picture

Little White;; a poem

The lie has gone too far
You've know it for while
You just try to be kind
The the whole world hates denial

If you scream now, you're over
They'll feel you are a witch
"How dare you," I can hear them now
"You CAN'T say things like this!"

But I am tiring of this
I want the lie to end
Just because I'm not heartless...


I can't finish it without being yelled at by everyone and being hated by everyone...being accused of being heartless and unkind x.x...

I wish I had -ONE- person to tell, ugh...
Anzel's picture

Anzel is wise -.-;

I'm in the forest when NOBODY I KNOW is in the forest.


Brilliant, connection.
Anzel's picture

Vessel;; a poem :3

Clockity clickity tock
Your dreams I see; I stalk
I run up close
And take a dose
Wither, I vither my clock

Clipsering claspering clump
My throat, vibrations stump
They struggle out
A squeaking shout
Loud as the antlers of trump


I can't help myself, I love to write poetry. If anyone is irritated by the amount or quality of my poems, please let me know and I'll stop ;-;

This is a poem for the rhyme scheme of Hickory Dickory Dock.

Yes, some of the words -are- nonexistant, heh.

By the way, try and say the first line of the second stanza fast x3
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