I didn't save them all, but here are some pictures I never submitted because they either were unfinished, or I didn't like them enough to show them, hehe.
--- Hehehe, I love this sketch. I spent 15 minutes trying to make the face right, though, and I couldn't x.x So I never submitted it.
--- I tried many times to draw Magnet. I managed to locate one of those failed attempts.
--- My Aztec God set concept, and my Black Widow set concept.
--- Ignore the random hoof in the corner, that deer had no head, didn't wanna show it XD; Just another doodle of my Aztec God set concept.
--- Attempts at a Valentine's Day/Love set, lol.
--- Well, there may not be a top hat, but one would definately suit this...suit. :3 Reminds me of Empoleon XD; (the pokemon)