November 13, 2008 - 3:16am — Anzel
I can stand not getting the pictos to spread right now, it's been as such for a week now, such a rarity x3
BUT. I'm getting sick of the stupid error message when comes up so often nowadays.
Arghfurgles. Anyone else notice issues with connecting, even if only slightly? XP
November 12, 2008 - 7:19am — Anzel
In a bowl, I feel mixed
Up like a vapor and down like an anchor
I can't seem to make any sense of it
Because it's not a common currency
Now I type with the anchor held up
By a current of fish swimming below and beyond
Deep through my veins doth these chemicalities
Like to weave through my arteries and back to my heart
The glow and the lustre of life seems to vanish
As I sit and tire so slow with the slightest of weights
And I wait for the sea to turn it to vapor
And for the kindest seabreeze to carry the lighter
And no longer can I write in poetry, solely prose. The lines bother me so, I nip at them like the deer I speak. A little foolish fae, I am, to think and breathe. To be allowed to know of such things far after I hath experienced them. My diagnosis comes from memory, all before then did my head lie in the deepest of fogs.
Forever, I feel, I had been an ignorant fool, had I not? Now the anchor weighs farther, and through my sternum there is a hook pulling and ripping and stabbing and twisting, in the kindest of ways, at the tiniest levels. A thousand times smaller than the eye can see, they twist and bring me down to size. And with it, they bring my sanity and smiles, they bring my energy to a halt and I fall down, farther and farther.
But I never reach the bottom, for this is a recipe for the sweetest of the bittering sweets. I know that of soon, I shall rise. And the curtain of sadness shall be left, to be replaced with a veil of amor and life. I do not know this, but I do. Though the anchor is pulling me down farther and further, or so I feel, it simply tugs with the current...I have map, at last.
November 12, 2008 - 4:08am — Anzel
I feel slightly confuzzled. My picto clump, which normally takes the form of one of two different picto clump things (first: very bright copy of my picto with a nameless dot, or a clump i like to call the Rock) when I have the menu up, as I always do so to not take accidental screenies..., for some reason, showing up often as a dulled version of my picto, or as a very dim clump of randomness. The dulled part happened earlier when many more deer were in the forest, and the dim clump's just been occuring during the last hour or two.
It confuzzles me so.
Pictograms spread ONCE today. I saw 3 deer. Second time it happened, no pictos really spread, but I could see a few deer in sets trapped at the point of origin area in my deer's dream. I gots pictures. I'll post them later, maybe.
I dunno. The forest confuses me so.
November 11, 2008 - 11:52pm — Anzel
The terrace paintings still, the darkness glimmers
And snow, with grace, rides flurries with the wind
And nature's wrath, unyielding, lets you wander
To brace the frostbite standing by your side
Where few are brave enough to move an inch
Into the place where standing still is stone;
Chase stars, and seek the land that's neverending
And blue will take you in, will feed your soul
She's broken, lying down amidst the mist
Of snows, by angels, tainted colors rich
With midnight skies, and moonlight bleeds, they guide her
To places where the endless fades the sin
The beating breaks like sunlight through the cracks
And faintly doth her heart begin to give
For diluted as Paint compared to angel
Like iris to the colour of the Twi'
Gentle as the fragile Painted Lady
Pleading not to break against the wind
A form lays down beside her like the sunlight
To warm her fur in wishes long forgotten
Though aching from the show' of ashen rain
They lay beside the emptiness they have
Beside the children, lie the same in angels
For none could ghost the nexus that they had
I don't often write poems and edit them, but this one, I decided to reread and edit. :3
I have this image in my head of the scene, but I don't have a picture or anything that would fit...
November 9, 2008 - 9:17pm — Anzel
Extremely EVIL Taint screenshot
Vein meets...THE GREAT MAGICAL GARLIC MAN. He care not approacheth. Vampires are allergic to garlic, don'cha know?
They hold the globe within their hands, and all she has is dirt...
November 9, 2008 - 4:44pm — Anzel
You people that only have the glitch for a day or two at a time are lucky.
You're allowed to rant about it x.x
If I rant, like now, people get pissed at me :/ Whether silently or aloud.
So I can't mention it without fearing people are silently getting ticked at me, or that someone will yell at me. I can barely even mention it on other sites, because people from here have gone there before and bashed me for ranting there.
Why couldn't my problem be fixed with 2 more GB of RAM, a new video card, any of this stuff...? Why could I just have a virus, why couldn't PING be the source problem, why couldn't it be my connection speed, anything that people actually know about, not a mystery...
Whine all you want about me whining. I rarely allow myself to anymore because you people are tired of it :/ But if you've ever suffered through this freaking glitch, you must realize what it must be like to have had it how over half a year without any way to even try and fix the problem. And having a known solution, that
I can't reach. I can ask Michael if he can please, PLEASE try and help me. If I can be spared a single hour on the back-up server to play normally. All I can DO is BEG for help, for pity, for a chance to play like everyone else.
Be sick of me if you want. I never chose not to be able to play. And I have no choice when it comes to fixing the problem. No one seems to know what it is. I posted my problem months ago on an Online Gaming Support Forum.
I'll never know the answer.
Feel free to snap at me for whining. And while you're at it, POINT ME TO THE SOLUTION. Or anywhere where I might even be able to try and find one with more luck. >_<;;;
*growls* I'm not a morning person. *clenches teeth*
~ Anzel
November 9, 2008 - 6:01am — Anzel
I might write something here later, but I have to use my writing desires towards NaNoWriMo before I lose this creativity.
I just feel really bad that other people are starting to get my problem. Even if it's only for short times, I kinda hoped this was just a problem on my end. Maybe there's a deeper root to this problem than we know as of yet :/...
November 6, 2008 - 11:13pm — Anzel
EDIT :: Buh-bye, Live Map. I knew it. The server is limping again x3
The site and forums seems a tad slower than usual, but it might just be me...
But I approve. For I got Taint into the forest on the second try x3 And I see a lot of deer.
*taint sits by deer in sitliness*
November 6, 2008 - 3:23am — Anzel
Recently, in Physics class, a few kids asked our teacher to show Bambi Vs. Godzilla after doing a multi-step Physics problem with Bambi in it. He's a peculiar teacher, so we ended up watching it. (the computer and tv are kind-of hooked up, so to say)
It. Was. Awesome.
Warning: This movie is not for the faint of heart. Run away while you still can!!!
-- Click Here --
November 6, 2008 - 3:12am — Anzel
Then you post a SCREENIE of your deer's/deers' main set, and their picto, and their name.
And I shall know that you want a doodle.
And, if it doesn't not end up like a poopydoofley, I shall scan it and show you it.
x3 I've been trying to draw Seele for a few days now, at least. I am failberry. Very failberry. Trust me. Legs should not be heads. I repeat. Legs should NOT be heads. *shot* Lol, doodles are doodles. I need more deersies to drawsez.