anzel's blog

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In case you were wondering...

I was Rah-bop's Secret Santa :3 I posted the pic in the Pictures section and in the forums.


I am so very relieved to be done with it. x3;;;
Anzel's picture

A word from my deer to all others...

Merry Christmas to you all! We wish you all well, and a salty, so-desired cone of pine for all of ye who enter!!!

Why do you mortals celebrate the day that a famous male creature was physically seperated from their mother? Should not that be a sad thing? You mortals confuse me. Ah well. Tide well, young fellows...

Sigh...may you all wander in the snowen plains, in the forms of fawns, in sets of delight. Wish the flower fae well for me, and greet your snowdrops with love. For they are a blessing of which not many may partake...

Merry Christmas, everyone!!! I MADE YOU ALL SNOW ANGELS! WHEEE!!! Nurra proceeds to spazz around in a circle, gets dizzy, and falls in the center of a bunch of snow angels. The others proceed to giggle.

Heheh...merry Christmas to all ye mortals. May you tread well into the future, reborn into the new year as was the babe of your past...

Happy Holidays! Pingüino bounces multiple times over Nurra, who gets dizzy again and falls asleep.

Shinto holds his head high and proud as he proclaims, *Ahem.* All ye, all ye, endless deer of this, the "Forest", bring to ye the gentle snows as you you remember Christ, the Lord...


Merry Christmas, everyone!!!
Anzel's picture

Yay, nevermind ^^;

Jen helped me out :3
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Race to the finish!!

Am I the only person not entirely done yet? x3

Blah...too much drama in my life. I am still trying to finish the gift, accursed shading!!! XD;; I'm probably the latest person ever.
Anzel's picture


You know what? I wish there were only 2 dimensions. Really, that would be wonderful.

Angled views are mean ;-;'s not helping my Secret Santa giftie run to the finish line x333 I'll get it done on time, I still have a few more days, but'll take so very, very, very many hours. x_x;

Lol, anyone else having any troubles? Or am I the only slacker? XD;;;
Anzel's picture

Lutrallia...(a little poem)

I'm suffering from thine feminine-induced serotonin lows right now...*sighs* Need to write.


All the forest was quiet
Not a whisper, not a wind
And all the hinds and all the kin
And all her friends had gone away

She lies back in the snow
A little sneeze and cough, and hair
Befalls the ground, upon the angel
That she made; her gift to them


Good news: I finally have memorized Nurra's hex color code, so I can write as her more often.
Anzel's picture

Have you ever played Seed...?

Almost a year ago, I went through a phase of having fun playing a game called Seed. You grow and mutate flowers, and you can share codes with your friends!

Click here to check it out

It may seem boring at first, but you have to keep going. It's not hard to figure out Sticking out tongue

Feel free to post your favorite flowers here. Just dragon the flower to the box, copy the DNA, and paste it here. I'll post my own faves later on ^^;

Check it out Sticking out tongue
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Vein has a question!!!

I do not desire waste my time upon the wretched white lightfully snowing weathers. Disclose unto me, what is the weather at this hour...?
Anzel's picture

Random screenies (picture heavy)

Anzel's picture

A sad story;; A new Ghost Deer may have appeared...

I trotted along the false forest one day, seeing all the happy deer chattering away, until I came upon the sad story of a little fawn. A story of unmoving deer and picto clumps.

As I do not want others to suffer my curse, I listened in a bit, and heard a dreaded word. This word is a word that is well known to me and my friends:


I trotted over and queried a few questions and came to the conclusion, as sad as it may be...that they may have my same curse.

I lean my head down sadly for this little fawn, Adlar, and pray that he may recover from this curse. But for now, it doesn't seem that all is well...


I never wanted others to be like me...
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