alisonrobin's blog

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Guide: Javascript Hide/Show Content Code

Fun With Ternary Operators

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Fun with Javascript Hovers and CSS Hovers

I was playing with hovers in javascript and have found that they are superior to CSS hovers in a kind of fun way so I thought I'd share.
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Guide: Javascript Image Cycler (Two codes, two uses)

In Two Styles To Fit Your Needs

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Endless Forest Deer Stats, Twin God Cleric Doman & Spell Info (3.Xe)

I do tabletop roleplaying. Lots of it. Here I've statted out Endless Forest Deer for use with Dungeons and Dragons 3.0 and 3.5 edition as well as any other d20 system based game (d20 Modern/Urban Arcana, and Call of Cthulhu and Deadlands both have d20 variants etc.) and any pathfinder folks out there should be able to adapt it very easily to their slightly modified system. This statblock for using the TEF Deer as an enemy or NPC as well as info for making characters.

Eventually I plan to update with info for "The Twin Gods" as a religion and domains for their clerics, as well as stats for M&A. I figure they'll be ~CR30 like some lesser deities. We'll see.

If you have any questions I am more than happy to explain these numbers to you. I'm also willing to revise any element of this if I screwed up so don't be afraid of pointing out typos.
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Code Testing

So Much Better than Style Tags!

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La and The Glitch Skull [Interactive Ongoing Story]


La and the Glitch Skull

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Today La was talking to Trout about nursery logs and Rossamund hopped up onto a stump and I thought a bit about the stumps for the first time in a while.
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IGNORE ME [Alison's HTML/CSS/JS Sandbox]



Learning Status:
BBCode: Excellent. Easy stuff.
HTML: Pretty Good.
CSS: Good at some things, decent at others
Javacript: Okay at some things, terrible at others.

Take any code from any of my pages any time you want and make it yours. But you should learn how to do it yourself in the process! Smiling

Currently not doing much here, working on a css page for my partner's character Vaq in another thread.
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Uncollected Illustrations [Art Blog] (Newest: Eiji)

Art Trades?

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