Aimery's blog

Aimery's picture

Cremello basic info

Under Cut
Aimery's picture

Question about a gif.

Aimery's picture

Aimery and Cremello

I made a tumblr blog for them that you can find here:

I will attempt to update it daily!
Aimery's picture

[ css testing ] Nope Nevermind.

Making a tumblr blog for my deer instead. I can't even bother with CSS.
Aimery's picture

Inspire me.

I just got a new name, a second deer to rp as.

I'm not sure if I want it to be make or female yet, but the name is Cremello!

I just need some ideas for it's design, I snagged the name after looking at a REALLY pretty horse...
Aimery's picture

Day 2

It was easy for a fawn like Aimery to sleep the whole day away in the forest, the orchestra of frogs by the pond a lullaby and the heat of the sun a blanket. He didn't socialize as much today, having favored picking flowers on his own and galloping around the stone playground alone. And after tiring himself out, he laid down for a nap beside the twin stone idols and stayed there late into the afternoon.
Aimery's picture

I'm so impatient...

I want this month to go by quickly so Aimery can be an Adult. The Fawns are cute and all, but we all look the same and the only thing setting us apart is our tiny floating pictograms. I wish they kept antlers, masks, and pelt colors longer than a minute or two...
Aimery's picture

About those fancy character blogs...

How exactly to I make one of those? I want to make a pretty one for Aimery and log his growth since he's still a fawn, and if anyone would be up for an art trade for something pretty of Aimery. I can draw just about anything with a ref.
Aimery's picture

Early Morning.

After spending some time at the pond, I noticed not as many deer pass by there in the morning... Perhaps I'll have to settle myself in another part of the forest that gets more foot traffic....
Aimery's picture

Day 1

I met a very polite blue stag today with purple flowers in his antlers, probably the first friend I've made in the forest. He and his companion let me lay with them for awhile, then a few other fawns joined us and we danced a little by the pond.

I've come to enjoy my new home in the forest, I hope I can make lots of new friends.
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