Well I recently just messed up everything with the person I love the most in my whole life >.< Severly depressed and can't stop crying about him xD I miss him more than anything, and I love him so much D':
Sorry I just thought I'd complain about my life a bit

I havent been in the forest much lately cos I've been really busy

And my poor horsey is showing signs of going lame/getting laminatic! D: Which isn't good cos she's quite old

Ahh well - all in all I'm pretty "BLEH<'3" atm

love you aaaallll (: xx
Aw x_x I'm sorry to hear
-- Dannii <3
Sententia - Where Fantasy And Reality Merge
it's getting a lot better
and my horse hasn't got laminitis! *yays!* thankyou ^.^ -nuzzle-
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