I love looking at hairstyles like these, they're so different.
But I don't think its entirely made out of her hair. She would have to have
hair bigger and greater than a loins. They probably used some
sort of hair peice and stuff, made mainly for this purpose. But I
really don't know. Its still insane.
must, type, comment, cant,
psh, that's nothing. I can
O.O i will pay money to see
@_@ Holy deer.....
Sorry, double post You can't
Wow, I didn't see the deer
This is scary... xD
Wow ! xDD
:O LMFAO!!! My little sister
You just made my day!
I play Mortuusago X3 And for now, that seems to be it.....
I love looking at hairstyles
But I don't think its entirely made out of her hair. She would have to have
hair bigger and greater than a loins. They probably used some
sort of hair peice and stuff, made mainly for this purpose. But I
really don't know. Its still insane.
This is crazy! Very cool
♥ ♥