Deer Poses!

Alecsander's picture
I find when I am drawing that I have problems deciding what pose is possible for the deer to be in.
Sometimes I just cannot decide what pose to doodle.

The Deer anatomy reference scans help some, but they're not the end all be all.

So if you happen to have nothing better to do, how about leaving a comment with a new or old drawing you've done where you really like the pose OR you find it very interesting.

Don't feel obligated to have to be the world's best artist or have it completely anatomically correct. This is just brainstorming help. Smiling

You may also do a new drawing to show a pose you like. If you go this route then feel free to make it as featureless/vague as you wish provided you can still see the limb placement/body position.

Also feel free to post real pictures of deer or another artists work (WITH THEIR PERMISSION!).

I'll start:
Laying down with leg outstretched
(re-posted with permission)
Shiori's picture

Heh, I have this problem too

Heh, I have this problem too >< Though I like to experiment with different poses a lot, I ofte have trouble deciding what pose is appropriate for the character XD

Anywho! I do have a few drawings I really liked the poses in...
I posted this a while ago. Basically some of those experiements I spoke of XD I don't really think they're that great looking at them now but I did hope they would be useful to someone :3

I always liked the poses I used in THIS and THIS as well, though they're kind of similar I suppose XD

I have a whooooole sketchbook full of poses I've been working on though! I hope to turn them into actual character eventually so I wont post them now, but I think they're a lot better then my old drawings heh. Less horse like -snicker-
Alecsander's picture

Thanks shiori -thumbs up-

Thanks shiori -thumbs up- Smiling
Ephra's picture

I've got two old drawings

I've got two old drawings from a story I never finished. I like these poses, even if the legs are kinda odd looking

edit: some nicer background colours Sticking out tongue
Alecsander's picture

Thanks for the contributions

Thanks for the contributions Ephra.
Kiraki's picture

Awesome idea Some lovely

Awesome idea Smiling

Some lovely poses already Laughing out loud