In the life of a naughty fawns, laws of nature can easily be broken.
Such as scaring bunnies into trees.
Yes, it's possible.
Our second playmate, equally as adorable as the bunny, is also equally frustrating. He backs up at an awkward time, and...
"WHAT?! No boobs?!" (Because, you know, they'd be there...)
"...That's okay... I accept you as you are."
Unfortunately, Caen is not sure he wants to be accepted, and quickly flees.
However, soon afterward, Vasska discovers a playmate on the Crying Idol...
Our playmate is... unimpressed.
The next arrival is equally unimpressed...
...but Vasska works hard to gain his approval by providing extra footing.
Unfortunately, his playmate remains unamused, and leaves him to his own devices...
(As Aivilo so poetically puts it, "A pimple on the face of the Crying Idol")
Still, there is fun to be had elsewhere! A good, old-fashioned deer tower!
Vasska quickly makes a place for himself here, although his friends don't seem at ease with his chosen position...
Once again cast out, he finds a sleeping Sianna...
...and (with the help of his mother) makes her even more beautiful.
Ahhh, a successful day at last.
Sorry about making multiple posts in one day ;u; Backlogged screenshots again.
"As Aivilo so poetically puts
That deer tower is epic.
I had to include that one XD
AND YES. I didn't think I had any good screens until I went through Vasska's pics *u* Really excited to find those.
I remember the last one.
Lmaooo~ I love pouty
I just wish I'd been there when Sianna woke up XD
LMAO. The ones with Caen...
The ones with Caen... xD
omg that deer tower is EPIC
I wish I had my screenshots