I just realized that I've shown my lovely pet gecko everywhere but here.
You poor deprived souls. xD.
So this blog post will serve as a sort of photo gallery. ;D Today I got some pictures of her out in the autumn weather in fact. ♥
But first I guess I should tell about her, eh?
This here is Famine, a hypo-tangerine leopard gecko. She's roughly about two to three years old, and has been in my ownership for just over a year. <3
Now all you reptile-phobics out there, let me say this: They are not that bad, honestly! There's only a handful of these that I wouldn't want to touch or own. Imagine them as furless cats or dogs. Or just simply navigate away from this page. ;3
If you have any questions about Famine, her species, or just reptile keeping in general I'll be happy to answer to the best of my ability! However I'm a bit more comfortable on answering questions on leopard geckos or anoles, since I've actually owned these.
Anyway, enough chat. Let's get on to the pictures~:P
The Tank

29 gallon, only houses Famine atm
General Photos
Spring Pictures
Summer Pictures
Autumn Pictures
Winter Pictures
That face... =D
Heh, thanks guys~ Glad you
Edit: Fixed! :3
Your gecko is so cute.
The last summer picture is
Thanks both of you.
And yea, it does! xD, I remember that was my wallpaper for the longest time.
My leopard gecko died in
But Famine is absolutely gorgeous! She'd get along well with my friend's LG, Tobias. xD
Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear
But thank you, I've always adored her colors. <3 Her tail used to be purple, and it really complimented her yellows. Of course she decides to drop it while I'm sleeping over at a friend's house, and it regrew pink. xDD, oh well. Still love her~
Tobias is a neat name. ;o I plan on getting Fam a leetle boyfriend in the future. >3
Oh gosh! I loveee lizards!
Really? =D Awesome! Not many
I'm terrified of spiders, but the species of tarantulas that are available are stunning. There's one with blue and yellow legs, and aaah it's beautiful. ;o; I could never keep one, though. More than four legs scare me, xD. I salute you for being able to handle one on your hand.
Yeah, I almost fainted. but
Yea, it's that feeling that
But, I'll hold one someday. This I swear~!
Good thing it won't bite you,
I'd sure hope it wouldn't,
And sure~:3 Would you like to be in character, or just play around?
And where would you care to meet?
I haven't done in character
Alright, I prefer IC anyway.
Will do. Dieu is all high and mighty, so he'll bow, but your character will need to do something to make him interested, and he'll hang around for a bit. ;D
We'll see how it goes, getting on now!
I looked for you, but gave
I edited the rest...
... I am not as angry now...
Oh no, I was having Dieu
No, your IC..ness(xD) was perfect, I was just playing Dieu how he would normally react to a stranger, and I guess you took it differently. Once again I apologize for the misunderstanding.
... Iwanna throw something
She's so cute~!! Your tank
I've always loved reptiles, but hadn't paid much attention to leos until we were looking for a class pet for my mum. Absolutely lovely little guys. Your girl is gorgeous! X3
Such a cute little
We owned anoles for a science project waaay back in 4th grade, we kept two in a tank and fed crickets (they were pretty darn lazy too rofl)
I'm sorry Sentry. Just
Thanks Shaku~! My tank is very important to me, all in all the decor and equipment cost over $200. Famine is spoiled. xD
And I've always wanted one, the first one I ever owned as an anole. I kept those for 4 years, then switched to Leos after hearing so much good about them. They're amazing! I can't wait to get more, hopefully an enigma or RAPTOR. -leopardgeckonerdtalkFTW- :'D
Thanks Cel. ;3 I believe I
Yea, anoles are lazy, prideful lizards. Like scaly lions. But I raised one from a baby, and she was so sweet. Would lick fruit flies off my fingers. <3
Then she died. The End. Off to leopard geckos. >3
God, i hate it when people
gdsrfdjtfdrj Leopard! I have
Oh how I love them. ♥
They are indeed wonderful
Aww! I love the autumn
Wonderful indeed.
And thanks Alli. ;D They were so much fun to snap.
Ah, it's nice to meet another
Your Famine is a gorgeous gecko. She looks quite happy and healthy, too. Keep up the good work with her!
Oh how lovely. Bold stripes
Hope her clutch goes well! Will you be incubating them specially to get certain genders?
Thank you~! She's spoiled rotten, to the point where I think my brother's little guy is jealous. xD.
It's so epic that there's so many leo-keepers here!♥
Scythe, They sound
They sound adorable.
If they do breed, I'd love to see the babies. ;u;
♥ It was necessary.
It was necessary. >u>