This thread made me wonder what would happen if 2 people signed onto the same account at the same time from 2 different computers. So, I went back to my old computer which I used when I first started playing and logged onto the game the same time my new computer was logged on. Both connected successfully.
Some pictures: (Not resized)
On the new computer
On the old computer
I had just re-installed TEF on the old computer, so that version didn't have any spelldata.
Dancing together
Confusing a Nameless
He joined in dancing.
Goodbye, old computer. I will miss your 4 fps framerate
The forest just isn't the same when everything's turned off. Also good to know: if someone steals your password, they won't have the same appearance.
Clones (that aren't yourself
> > Freaky EMIVA'S
That was the weirdest glitch