Heard it was raining, but the weather looks normal for me, aaw.
This fawn was awesome:
He played leapfrog with me. Normally people don't get it when I'm jumping over them like a weirdo.
Seems I helped this deer get his set:
I don't know anyone's names, haha.
Mass confusion hits Twin Gods Hill:
A lineup:
From the back:
Enkouwolf, Quad, Perplex, Ephra, Manta, awesomefawn, and apparently, that other fawn is named Allys. That's all I recognize.
There was this deer on the hill I couldn't see, too. I saw people interacting with it, and I could see the glow from where a spell hit it, but it was invisible to me.
I can't keep the same pelt for more than one photo, haha