9/18/2011 Day 1;
Disoriented. A bit loopy from the landing, I suspect. It took a while to lug the ol' TARDIS to a large tree to hide inside (I'd rather not explain how that works). There's been some malfunction along the trip... I'm still a damn pony. What's worse, this place I've entered has no civilization to speak of. No humans! No bananas! Bloody hell! Instead, there are these peculiar beasts with human faces and queer masks.
If this were an ordinary mishap, I'd repair the TARDIS and be on my merry way. The only problem is that the door is jammed. And, well, I have no fingers. Nor can I find the sonic screwdriver... I'll have to whip something up... My key is nowhere in sight. I'll have to whip something up...
Met a Professor River Song. She has one of those trashy vortex manipulators that time cops carry around. I may be able to make use of her if I have to. Not now, though. There's other ponies here. Why? I don't know... It better not have been my fault, though.
Also chatted with a... Ditzy... Derpy... whatever her name is. Asked her to find the others that may have plopped into here. Not like that matters; they found me.
I may not have made myself that known in... Ponyvilleorwhateveritscalled... but I should probably make an effort to gain their trust here and now. We should stick together, a herd of aliens in a world where we really don't belong.
Though I do promise you all, I will get you back home.
It's my job to make sure you're in the right place and the right time.
Trust me, I'm a Doctor.
-Signed, Doctor 'Whooves'-
P.S; The food here is absolute rubbish.
9/17/2011 Day 2;
Pretty eventful today. Can't talk long, though, so I'll keep it short.
There's another incarnation of myself here, as a deer. Need to find out more, so I'll get back to you on that. Can't be good though... meeting up with myself...
Also met a dragon. That was interesting.
And... uh... A giant crow. Yup.
...I don't like this place.
-Signed, Doctor 'Whooves'-
P.S; I like crows. Crows are cool, especially when they're taller than me
9/18/2011 Day 3;
Not much happened today. Really boring. I don't like boring. Well... I guess those weird ruins were kinda cool, but why bother looking at a bunch of rubbish stone when you can go see what it looked like? Still... makes me wonder... did humans used to live here? If that's the case, then did these cervine blokes wipe them all out?
Ugh... for once I'm glad that I'm not my normal self now. Still, it's a little embarassing. Does come up and think I'm 'cute' and I keep getting hoarded by these bloody huge animals.
I'll start looking for the ol' sonic s. tomorrow, keep myself productive or something.
-Signed, Doctor 'Whooves'-
P.S; I actually would like to see that squirrel again. He was a nice guy.
9/19/2011 Day 4;
Reflected a bit today. Spent a few hours phasing in and out of tree trunks. Boring. This place is boring.
Couldn't find it. Got bored after the first hour of searching.
I should talk to Derpy... Ditzy... that ponything... I like her. She's a nice one. Simple, easy-going...
Ugh, bored... so bored...
-Signed, Doctor 'Whooves'-
9/20/2011 Day 5;
Found some more unusually large animals again, and a talking hummingbird. Uhmm.. also met an Oura and a To... something. They were nice.
-Signed, Doctor 'Whooves'-
P.S; Make a note; I should go aquaint myself with the other ponies soon.
9/21/2011 Day 6;
Breakthrough! I found a stag that I can talk to without running the risk of being gored! His name is Logan, a pretty elderly fellow. He told me that the deer around here call this world "The Endless Forest". A quite accurate name, if you ask me.
There's been a lot of talk about a 'rut' to take place in the near future... which could get bad. Very undeniably bad. While I'm not going to fret over the pegasuses or Rarity, I am going to worry about Applejack and Pinkie. As earth ponies, they don't have much along the lines of natural weaponry apart from an increased stamina.
Of course I don't consider them helpless, but I will take into account for the fact that they're in a world that's completely unlike their own, fully governed one. The rut is going to be filled with rage-facing stags ready to smash eachother's faces in. In other words, a total battleground not fit for tiny little technicolor nightmares (get it? nightmare?).
Best to keep my worries in check though, the old girl is looking rather fabulous... all on her own, too~ I'm so proud...
-Signed, Doctor 'Whooves'-
P.S; What? I'm an earth pony too? Don't be silly... I'm a Doctor.
I'ma trackin' this here blog
(No subject)
OMG that pic is bleepin
Aw, thank you all ;;
And really... I guess this is just Whooves' own little experiences... Cause y'know he's always all leik;
And I didn't know those other
Watchin' thiiis.~
Watchin' thiiis.~
"Ugh! UGH! Stop it! Stop
Why thank ye~
Haha apples!
"To... something"? XD