css] vertical/horizontal accordions ?

Hadou's picture

hello again, i'm posting so many questions and junk ,isosorry

anyways, I've seen them around and they're really neat, and orgamized and pretty so i've been trying to get um to work but I can't seem to find any that do on here, although there must be a way if other people can do it.

websites i've been using are




I've also been running them through html to bbcode things, and whitespace removers.
so, i'm not sure how to get them to work and if anyone at all could lemme know if there's a certain way, or if you have to use javascript, that would be really awesome.

thanks for reading you lovely person.

Unplugged's picture

Shamiya has shared a code for

Shamiya has shared a code for css accordions here. Smiling
Hadou's picture

wah thank you so much!

wah thank you so much!