Burnshy's picture
How do you make a background static. And I'm also looking into making my CSS thinner. :3 Anyone a master at coding, or could I have a basic CSS?
Unplugged's picture

body{background: url('img

body{background: url('img here') scroll repeat}
for the static background. Not sure what you exactly mean by making your CSS thinner?
Burnshy's picture


Unplugged's picture

Well, I see many boxes there.

Well, I see many boxes there. :b Do you basically just mean the blog itself?
Burnshy's picture

Yeah. xD

Unplugged's picture

They basically just used a

They basically just used a div box and wrote all their content there. Here's a very basic div box to play around with:
<div style="width:600px; height:130px; overflow:auto; background: #253128; border: 2px solid #264135; text-align:justify; padding:10px; font: 11px georgia; letter-spacing:1pt;"> Text goes here </div>