Crying Idol mask???

Allyn's picture
How does one get that mask?

Is it just through random spell casting, or a certain something?



lol no.
People can cast it if they have a certain older version of TEF c:
Allyn's picture

Ah! ... Well, do you know



Well, do you know anybody that could possibly do that for me?

I think it would look amazing on Sage o v o

Oh, right! /is slow because I

Oh, right! /is slow because I drank some wine DON'T DRINK, KIDS
Not off the top of my head.. but there are a couple of people who have and absolutely love jumping in to cast it on whoever wants it! They have blogs where you can request their assistance.. I'll poke around some for you.
Allyn's picture

Okie dokie, thank you! ; v ;

Okie dokie, thank you! ; v ; /

OK I found this! I swear

OK I found this! I swear there were others but I'm having some problems finding them. I'm sure somebody will jump on in here and offer to help you though c:

(but if for some reason nobody does, I can lend you a hand through tumblr)
Allyn's picture

Okie dokie ; v ; thank you so

Okie dokie ; v ; thank you so much!!
Allyn's picture

OH ALSO ALSO UH do you know

do you know if crying idol has a special call with it?

or just the basic moo noise

cuz im actually starting to have second thoughts on this ahahah ;;;;;

It sounds more hollow, eerie,

It sounds more hollow, eerie, and sad than the default moo 8U
KIND OF like the default moo but 2spooky
Allyn's picture

..... yes. YES. YES! totally


totally getting it regardless of pelt now