Could I ask you a little, little, size=5 favour?

EternalWanderer's picture
It's not relevant and doesn't deserve big attention, but it irritates me when I'm obliged to use stupid browsers or small devices to access the community.

Please, please, please avoid sizing body text bellow 10.*
It's only an inconvenience. I never see any advantages in using it. (if you do, tell me.)

Public computers are likely to have horribly slow browsing. That's a fact. Zooming and dragging only gets it worse, if the page is full of moving content or CSS it can actually freeze it.

Copy-paste doesn't copy all the text effects and MS Word took longer starting up than IE's refresh.

In apple products you have to practically "drag-zoom-drag" some 10 times every time you change page and many cellphones can't zoom at all. Mine zooms twice; text under size 10 looks like smashed ants on the screen to my myopic eyes.

*With this I mean the main text of the blog or comment, of course the timid paragraph is a classic that I don't want to private anyone from, however when I only want my main text to fit better I never go under size 9. Think of the others, people.

Thank-you :)

Mis's picture

Very much agreed! Don't mind

Very much agreed! Don't mind the small fonts at the timid paragraph as you said, as that perhaps adds something to it, but the small fonts used as main texts, or the funky looking fonts that I can't read.. They hurt my poor brain.

I hope people will read this and keep it in mind in the future Smiling
gurgelin's picture

Oh! I use size 9 for my

Oh! I use size 9 for my deer's bio :/
Can you look at this and tell me if it's bad? I understand what you mean and I don't want to inconvenience anyone.. it's just I have a hard time fitting the layout with a bigger text. Kind of painted myself into a corner with the css. -u-;
Personally I don't have a problem reading this, though... What is your opinion?
EternalWanderer's picture

Between size 10 and size 9

Between size 10 and size 9 there isn't much difference in the default zoom of my screen. The pixels only pile up on top of each others in size 8 and under, but size 9 is still not very user friendly.

I understand why you used that size. There are ways around for people with smaller screens but if you could stretch the layer a few pixels and increase the font one or two sizes up, it would look alot better c: specially with those cute pictures there.
gurgelin's picture

I'll mess around with it and

I'll mess around with it and see what I can do. Thanks! Smiling
z.m123's picture

Agreeing with this

Agreeing with this