Corvus Plushie

Seele's picture
*STARTS WITH CLOSEUUUPPP* XD (I think the random white line scares him. Stupid.. Paint.. 8/.. XD)
Um. Hi! *Waves* Another plushie done! Now I'm finished with Corvus, I'm making myself a little bat first. With checkered-print. It'll be adorable. AND THEN. I bought this awesome fluffy black and red fabric, I'm going to make a biiig Gehirn plushie. *Drools*.

But first off, Corvusss XDD His scars their location are a bit off (Daww.), But Raz said it was ok XD I build op a bound with this one. As you can see in the next picture, he has a mask:

A black magpie mask. To see more rantings, click on the post! XD

Without eyeholes, too. The eyeholes were seriously going to mess up the mask, so I kept them out. It's made of wire, aluminiumfoil and paper-mache. Self made, too. I never did that before. Omg. XD After that, I painted it black and added felt at the top part. So the bottom-part still pas paper-mache, but it's not that disturbing. It's black and at the bottom D8< XD Felting that would be hard. It has some wire-ends at the.. End, that Raz can bend around his head so it'll stuck to it. I was going to add a strap first, but it seemed clumsy, and the mask would just stick like this too. Ok you can't go make him headbang and throw him at walls, but.. Yeaahh XDD

You can see his right-horn being broken off XD It misses the sharp ends!

Polt cheering the emo-dude up. Awwww. He justbegs for a hug with that face you know D< XD

A stroll around the.. Table? But dangerrr lurks in the back. I have too much fun making pictures kthnx ._. XD *Runs*
Draak's picture

awww 8D *spazzmore* xDDDDD

awww 8D

xDDDDD Polty plush poke 8D

DraakxMitra C:
Fenqua's picture

AWWWW. That's so sweet

AWWWW. That's so sweet :'DD

Now I want a Corvus too.. *shot*

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Flyra's picture



f l y r a b l o g avatar by tinkee, sig by Quamar
Seele's picture

Draak: Isn't that what she

Isn't that what she does all day XDDD

Pay me. ;D.. JK D8' *shot

Glad some people love em X"D *hugs*

--Stays a lonely Seele

Draak's picture

xDDD or drag him to be

xDDD or drag him to be sociable 8D XDD

DraakxMitra C:
Sunflyra's picture


He is soooooooooo ADORABLE 0.0 awwwwwww that mask is such a cute thing XD
hisss faacees -falls in love - <3 (are there some scars?)
Chism,Chism,Chsim xD -points on her- 8DDD *grasp both* >D
he is beautiful :3 i love his antlers c8 gorgeous worrkk <3

Deepest view is the one into your soul