August 27, 2017 - 1:28am — fushrah
I am all ABOUT promoting positivity, love, and appreciation within the community, so - here we go! A fresh new compliment thread!
It's pretty simple: Just compliment whoever posted last before you! i.e. the person above you!
I don't have someone above me right now, but I'm still gonna compliment Lemon and Jacklo for inspiring me to remake this ol thing! Both of you have demonstrated a desire to spread kindness, and that sure is a great and important thing. It's really wonderful guys, good on you both. <3
I"ve always loved your art
Kimi, I will absolutely take
Your ideas and characters are always really accessible, not just in how non-problematic and how it's like, you don't need to know about other characters in order to know about yours, but their designs are always really nicely done. They stand out, but not because they have a lot of impressive accessories or they have intensely emotional back stories, but because they're unique and well-executed at a level that I admire and always try to shoot for with my own.
And that's what I appreicates about ya.
im really bad at doing the
I haven't known you for very long but you're really upbeat and kind to everyone I've seen you speak to, you've got that kind of influential energy that catches on - whether its talking about characters and shooting ideas or just joking around and sharing memes. You're amazing at looking at the brightside of things when life get your or others down and you have great taste in shows, I'm honestly really grateful to call you friend. ♥
Senecxys's always been one of
I think you're a really neat person and I like Adayti a lot. It was interesting to see Kettu develop over time as well.
I don't know you, Sarkoja,
The character represented in your Bohdiciea piece has an amazing design. Maybe we could interact sometime.
CydaLuva83, I don't know you
SYLPHOFHEART!! You're one of
@UNPLUGGED: I got you now!
I have always admired your art Plugged Since I started TEF and how you colour everything GOD DAMN IT!!! Sometimes it makes me wanna Steal your skills when it comes to colouring.* Back to your colouring! You have inspired me to try to colour like you *Even tho It doesn't look like it* I am trying but yea Love your art!
I love how you put a page up to help people with CCS, gosh you were the hOLY LORD when I tried to make my first CSS * Failed to do it tho coz yea I am just so dumb at Pcs even if everything is so clear*
But yes you were the old fart I looked up to in the days when I first joined TEF and I continue to read Posts that come up with your user name, I wish I could see more of you though I don't see you around much these days? Unless I am not really active at all?
I love you all, not just one person! Even tho I may not have talked to you, I still love you all with an equal heart as if you were my friend for 5 years or even a life time! You all mean something to everyone in this community even if you're a new person you're still recognized within the community as an equal player to someone who started 4 years ago+, you all have a special place in my heart even if we haven't talked.
wildrose, you seem like such
you seem like such a kind, gentle person - thank you.
bunnybee, you just got back
you just got back here and I don't know much about you yet, but in the short time you've come back around and the short exchange we've had, you've been incredibly sweet and friendly.You seem eager to jump back into the community and I am absolutely genuinely looking forward to seeing you around and what you have to give <3 And I hope you have the fortune of getting the Forest to work on your computer again one day, because I'd love to play with you and your deer c:
Phantom you've been a great
yara - your art is admirable.
Yara, you are one of the
[e:] Bunny you fast.
Rouda, you've been here a
Also Andrei has the best design ever, I love him!
jumps in here quickly bc
Bunnybee! I haven't had a
Lemon!! We haven't talked or
editing hold on
Fun doggo, best doggo. Will
Will put flowers in your hair forever <3
well frick can't edit SO
Senecxys --- You seem sincere, I hope to get to know you better!
Sam - VERY SWEET and I also hope as time goes on I get better acquainted!!
ResidualSaudade, i haven't
i haven't had the chance to talk to you yet, but i lIVE FOR your art and character designs
morto ur an actual bean .