In the process of editing.]
This list has moved
If I missed a biography link even if you had linked me once before please let me know again. I am loosing track.
Also, I know there are deer he just met that I had forgotten to add. If you notice someone who Gustiro has met missing in the list please let me know.
Thanks for the help, everyone.
People seem to be taking more interest in him then I expected. I am starting to loose track of who is who so I thought I would start a list. If I missed someone please let me know. There are still several deer he has 'claimed' that I do not know the name of. If your deer is listed here and you have a biography feel free to let me know. I will link it for you.
While I say 'claimed' this does not mean that the other deer approve or even know of this. It is simply what is in Gustiro's head.
[Claimed Deer]
Deer that Gustiro believes that are "his". He is a very possessive stag and tends to be rather jealous.
These are deer he will not only protect but will ward off strange stags that he feels may steal them away from him.
While normally Gustiro would allow his 'claimed' deer to interact freely amongst each other
he would quickly get between this doe and one of his minis or a sleeping deer on account of her predatory habits.
She is still unsure of him but he continues to be persistent in getting near her.
Lucy and Nyu
Thoughts coming soon.
A doe Gustiro has claimed. She shows him plenty of affection which keeps the red stag quite content.
A mini he has grown attached to. She seems to be quite fond of him as well.
This odd stag has certainly caught Gustiro’s attention. He does not mind the apparent claim Saint has placed over him
since the white stag has not attempted to harm any of Gustiro’s own claimed deer. He is plenty content to cuddle up to the other stag anytime he gets the chance.
Since the day "DD" lost his mask and attempted to keep his face nestled against Gustiro’s chest to hide his features the red stag has grown exceptionally attached to him.
Gustiro may have not quite understood the situation and found the physical contact as more of an expression of affection.
The first time they met Virgil had gotten between Gustiro and a mini he was chasing. They fought before Gustiro backed down. Another day while Gustiro was alone he approached Virgil at the lake. After a bit of cautious sniffing and strutting Gustiro actually rubbed sides with the stag.
Although Gustiro has now claimed this stag he seems unsure how exactly to assert his claim. Virgil is rather stubbornly friendly with other deer even after Gustiro attempts to ward them off or step between them. Not to mention Virgil seems to have placed his own claim on Gustiro making the red stag unsure where his position in this new relationship lay.
Gustiro is quickly becoming fond of this little stag and is rather protective over him.
Dinah Moon
She is an antlered doe that is quite fond of him. She is rather jealous when he shows affection to the other deer he has claimed.
He is rather confused by her actions. He is not use to being the one 'claimed' by a doe as it were.
This stag Gustiro found trying to get near the blue stag. He had jumped into the defense of the blue stag and attempted to ward Itavera off. Later they found each other alone. Although Gustiro was cautious at first he soon came to claiming the rather friendly fellow. Although he had claimed this stag he is likely to get between him and the blue stag if Itavera attempts to get near him out of jealousy.
They had only just met and already Gustiro is rather fond of the three legged doe.
These are "claimed" deer that he is exceptionally fond of.
One of the first Gustiro chased around the forest. He finds her ultimately amusing for she is a fast runner and a clever hider.
Now that she seems to trust him he has officially placed a claim over her. Her shy behavior tends to
bring out more aggression in him when protecting her or asserting his dominance around others.
Blue Stag
Gustiro is rather interested in this blue furred stag. The first time he saw the stag was when Gustiro was exhausted from a long day of fighting while protecting his favorite mini to chase. The blue stag jumped in for a bit of fun and distracted the deer that was still fighting Gustiro giving him a chance to rest. Although the blue stag had interfered for only his own amusement Gustiro saw it as an act of defense and ever since has sought his company to the blue stags great displeasure. He often attempts to get near the blue stag or attempts to get the blue stag to chase him.
This little mini has been following Gustiro around to Gustiro’s great pleasure.
He enjoys the doe’s company and affection. He is exceptionally possessive of her.
These are stags or antlered does that Gustiro has not attempted to claim but has come to respect for one reason or another.
While he may still attempt to fend them off if they get too close to his claimed deer he may actually jump into these deer’s defense if they seem to be in dire trouble.
Saosin and his mate had happened a bit too close to the blue stag and another of Gustiro’s “claimed” one day which set Gustiro into attacking the stag. After a short fight Gustiro then went to inspect Ravyn. This had Saosin going after Gustiro again. Strutting and sparring the two seemed rather well matched. Finally the heat of the moment cooled down and Saosin and his mate wandered off. Another day Gustiro saw Saosin sitting alone and went to watch him curiously. After a cautious moment of inspection on both sides Saosin invited Gustiro to sit with him.
Gustiro is still unsure of him. Still he respects this stag on account he had helped Gustiro protect a mini several times.
An antlered doe Gustiro has conflictions of considering as a 'respected' deer or a rival. Gustiro is rather uncomfortable in her presence but he is not quite sure why. He tends to get a bit jealous when one of his claimed is seen with her and yet wont jump in to ward her off. She has not gone out of her way to harm him or those he has claimed so he tends to keep a respectable distance from her.
[Rivals or Enemies]
Deer he feels threatened by or competitive with.
The Forest Witch
It is more then a strong dislike. She had stolen the skull he forever wore whether it was by magic or other means. Because of this she has placed herself as Gustiro’s worse enemy. Even above his long standing enemy, Illrose. Even above the jealousy he felt towards his rival Reed. While Gustiro fights with the others more in attempts to get them to back down, to get them to flee he may actually kill The Witch in his efforts to get back what is rightfully his. And in his attempts to get at her he may even plow through those that would get in his way.
Gustiro had found Illrose chasing Talla one day. He had jumped to the mini’s defense and fought this odd deer. Ever since Illrose has teased and taunted Gustiro. He has a strong dislike of this deer and will taunt Illrose upon sight and attack this deer whenever it gets too close. He will even make an out of way trip to fight this deer if he senses Illrose had gotten too close to a deer he believes is his. (The dislike is completely in character. The player and I get along just fine.)
Gustiro sees Reed as a rival and often fights with him over a deer Gustiro believed is his. As time goes on Gustiro is finding himself more and more consumed by jealously as Reed tends to attract deer Gustiro has claimed. Reed has proved a formable fighter and so Gustiro will attempt to ward the other stag off without going head to head with him. Only outright attacking him as a last effort in dominating a situation. Alone Gustiro will avoid the other stag and if approached he tends to become agitated and keep the distance between them.
"The Wolf"
Gustiro has not even faced this odd creature yet but already considers him a threat. Since the first day he saw the creature in the forest he sensed the tension and stink in the air which screamed "predator". While Gustiro will not go out of his way to start trouble with this 'deer' (in all likely hood he is more likely to avoid him) he will keep an eye on this one whenever The Wolf is in the forest to ensure the creature does not go near one he had claimed.
Gustiro now believes Cavader is a predator and a threat. Though they have not actually got into a serious fight Gustiro may be more aggressive with him if he gets near a 'claimed' deer. Otherwise he is likely to avoid him. He considers him 'claimed' by Illrose.
These are deer he has not yet claimed nor feel threatened by but has some interest in.
While fighting with Reed Amadahy had gotten between them haulting the fight. Although her interest was more in saving Reed Gustiro mistook it for her helping him.
He is currently fascinated by her behavior and may follow and watch her out of curiosity. He is rather protective of her already.
Gustiro is teetering on considering this stag a rival. However after their first spar the stag has yet to seem threatening and has been simply watching Gustiro.
Gustiro is not quite sure what to think about him yet.
Thoughts coming soon.
Gustiro’s interests seem more to revolve around the fact that Ephiré seems around his own size and shape.
While normally this would make the red stag nervous and offensive Ephiré's ever docile
behavior has made the other stag not only approachable but intriguing to the red bull.
Thoughts coming soon.
Thoughts coming soon.
Thoughts coming soon.
Gustiro is rather protective of this mini but has not 'claimed' her. Seeing the mini continuously sitting close to the blue stag Gustiro believes she is claimed by him.
Because of this he will ward off strange stags as if he had claimed her himself.
This stag has teased Gustiro by getting near deer he had claimed. Gustiro does not yet see him as a rival but he is dangerously close to being considered a threat.
Gustiro believes he is 'claimed' by Illrose. Still, when they are both alone Gustiro has shown some curiosity in him.
Saosin's mate. Gustiro has grown found of her and may even treat her as if he had claimed her.
However he has refrained from actually considering her one of his own on account of Saosin.
Gustiro only just met him. He is close to being considered a rival.
Unless this stag is near deer Gustiro has claimed he will more likely ignore him.
Thoughts coming soon.
Upon their first meeting Takeshi had played the role of the young rival. At times he had been nothing more then an occasional nuisance. Overtime the young stag had become more of a curiosity. Gustiro is still teetering between considering the young stag as a possible rival or more a subject of interest.
Gustiro is rather agitated with this deer and is on the verge of considering him a threat.
Simply because he awoke from a dead sleep to this stag poking him.
:3 xD you may have noticed
xD you may have noticed Keelut during that fight with Reed
Just wanted you to know, she wasn't trying to fight, but gets nervous or scared around strangers
BambooKirin, Oh, I know.
She wont be eating anyone,
She's a pack beast and without a 'pack' she will be submissive. Hence why she was quick to find a friend in Lucy whom she actually ended up liking. She's actually very loyal to anyone she considers a pack member.
No she's not a wolf. XD
Shuz, thanks for the company, your doe is very interesting and helped calm Greitai down after she got stressed out.
I do beleive that your stag
She's quite fond of him already.
I would love to see a bio (if he dosent already have one)
Mylu, I get what you are
Pretzil, With the butterfly pelt with the four dots in her picto'? What is her name? :3
I do not have a biography yet though I am starting to plan for one since several people have ben asking for one.
Also sorry about me keep wandering off. That stag that kept following you and nuzzling your deer I am not allowed to have Gustiro act like he normally would to strange other stags. The player has fits when I do.
Yep that's her. xD I've named
Here's her (totally uncompleted and squeaky new) bio: ♠
hmm why hello there Gustiro
tracking just 'cause
Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
Thank you everyone. : ) I