EDIT: Event flyer up now!
Click here!
Hello all! Thanks for clicking through. I hope you will all take the time to read this and share your opinions via comment below.
My question is a simple one - Should the Lightbringers hold their annual convention this year?
I am taking the time to gauge the real community opinion of this yearly event due to the lack of participation/interest in last year's convention. It was very disappointing to spend 8 hours virtually alone inside of the Old Oak, especially as M&A took the time to provide special weather, lights and candles throughout the forest. I was embarassed that they had gone to all that trouble for an all-day event that topped out at about 8 participants.
So: Yes or no? Would you attend? This event will/won't be held based mainly on the feedback I receive from this entry.
Your friend,
I was there last year
But i know it is frustrating with only so little people
I think yes, but perhaps not
I'd go if it's at a good
A good thought, Tera, though
Going off from what Tera
Oh ok, my mistake! I don't
Hm... All of the holidays
EDIT: seriously? 70+ reads and less than 10 comments? Come ON people. I want everyone to weigh in on this, not just the LBs.
Well, I wasn't around TEF
BUT, if the date is appropriate, I will definately make an appearance~
): I remember your event
But.. either way I am always willing to give a help in hand. ^^
If it's on a week day, one in
I can do my best to be here.
Last few weeks I am doing
Foxbrow is so much looking forward to this Lightbringers' party and she surly would participate!
We should work on a date,
Very well. It seems at
It seems at least a few of you still care about this, so I will go ahead and start making a poster for it. I'm thinking we should do it on Saturday the 29th. Would that be okay with everyone?
I don't see anything
By the way Io, would you happen to have an e-mail I could contact you at (since I not longer have a facebook)? Thank you.
I guess one of the problems
Before organizing a large event like this, I think a small makeover would do well. To dust off a little bit, and maybe do some slightly more "aggressive" advertisement (from both sides, the members and the owners), to bring the Lightbringers back to activity and to gain more recognition. Perhaps not an all-time high, that would be too much work, but at least in the time before the event, to raise awareness.
Perhaps for the event itself, a small "plan" could make things more interesting, like a short romp through the forest at some point instead of one fixed area.
Terabetha definitely also raises a good point. At New Years or Christmas I'd rather not play TEF, or on any of the 'big dates'. Maybe there's another free weekend inbetween.
That said, I'd like to join The Lightbringers.
Holding virtual events on
Although I really love this game that I regret every time I've missed out on something, and when I do have time to play, the forest is almost empty. A date on a neutral day would sound great! (:
Yes, I'd gladly attend.
Last year I had wanted to
I think Unplugged has raised
I feel like I've been carrying this banner virtually alone for some time now. The peak of activity for us was a few years ago and has gradually slowed to a mere trickle.
Again, excellent points one and all re: scheduling. In the future I'll keep that in mind.
UP, I am curious as to what you had in mind for "aggressive advertisement". And I like the idea of some sort of activity beyond just "meeting". The GoSA, Bland Days and the FoL are more geared toward actual activities and generally enjoy more popularity than the more low-key LB Convention. I am open to any and all good suggestions.
CM (or anyone else who is interested): My email is
Oops, I didn't realize this
Really glad to see you're considering holding the Convention!
Maybe we could do a few simple things to advertise, like having the LBs (and anybody who wants to) put a link about the Convention in their signature? I like the idea of having some sort of activity too...anything to spread the word and increase interest. *will have to think*
Well, I didn't attend last
Again, as it's been said, holding the convention on or very near holidays hurts the turn out of attendees..... like me, since I have to travel for the holidays and can never make it back in time.
Thank you for holding the convention again this year, even if I won't be able to attend, yet again :<
I would gladly participate,
I would be excited by this! ♥
Dragon Scroll.
Avvie by me, siggy by Saosin
Okay, well I think the best
^ Sometime in November sounds
It might be great. If it only
Dragon Scroll.
Avvie by me, siggy by Saosin
I remember longing for the
Aggressive advertisement was maybe a bit of an exaggeration.
To raise awareness.
Have small badges for supporters. Small links in signatures. ((You already do that for 50pts, small custom pixel deer as early rewards. It's a very effective method I think. There's the problem with volunteers here though)) So players go "Lightbringer? I've heard that somewhere before". Small things.
Pondering, perhaps players could be encouraged to somehow work the LB status into their character even. I'm unsure whether that would be a good thing or not. On the one hand, it adds importance to the title, on the other hand players with less friendly IC deer (who go OOC for new players) might hesitate if they were asked to "implement" that job into their character. Maybe that would go too far. I guess it's up to the players there really.
As for possibilities from the side of the founders (you and celticmystress, right?), dusting off the page. What I mean by this is simply a revamp of the LB page. I don't know how well you do with CSS, but a clean and up to date page can do wonders. I'm not talking about full-blown page altering. Just information organized in boxes. If anything, I'll gladly help with that.
Cleaning up information. It's probably too much work but it would be absolutely PERFECT if it were possible to contact members and ask them about their activity. I realize though that this is close to impossible (it's not like you're not busy enough already), so maybe the list could be split to 'active' and 'inactive', active probably being a certain amount of months, at this rate. Close to the inactivity date, you could message members and remind them.
Perhaps increase the price/gift ratio and have wider gaps inbetween, to make it more of a challenge.
I hope you don't mind that I'm sort of stealing the wheel there. I get a bit too enthusiastic about these things sometimes; just tell me when I start sounding too demanding.
Why not?? Seriously even if
CM: feel free to weigh in on
CM: feel free to weigh in on any of this. If it's not obvious by now, I am (and have been) in over my head.
Unplugged - These are all teriffic ideas. I'll try to address them point by point.
Sigs and badges - As you say, we sort of already encourage this, and it's not really like We can force people to include a link or badge in their sig. Still, it would be nice if more people did so. I was also thinking of banners designed specifically for events. Willing LBs/volunteers could cut-paste the code straight into their signatures prior to to the event and then just change it back afterwards.
Character - You know, being a Lightbringer has always been a big part of Yorres' personality, and I see others incorporating this into their bio as well, but not very often. As you say, it is up to the players to do this, but I think part of it is a fear of being pigeonholed or ostracized as "one of those LB people". I have felt the need for a sort of "re-branding" of the LBs off and on for a long time now, but am not sure I have the creative chops to pull it off alone (more on this below)
Dusting off the page - Yes, yes and a thousand times yes. I have often prayed for some talented soul to emerge from our ranks and volunteer to fancy up our page with a b!tchin' CSS revamp (PS - I suck at CSS, obviously). I see some of the fancier bios around here and get a little sad because our page looks pretty lousy in comparison. No wonder enrollment has dropped off. The whole page needs to be pared down into an easy to read and access format. Any active player with a bio should have a link to that bio - maybe if the LBs were more aware of who was a member, it would foster a better sense of our own little community and encourage volunteering.
I think the bottom line here is a near complete re-brand/refresh of the entire organization, from the ground up. I have always felt the need for some sort of forum or meeting of higher ranking members for some sort of think-tank or brainstorming. Then the real trick is finding someone to do the actual work and coding (besides Yours Truly).
Hmm I guess a restart would
I'm always up for getting some project rolling.
I know what Io meant by the
I used to think, when in the forest, that if a LightBringer came up to me, it was because they wanted to earn points for capturing a screenshot with me in it, or what have you. That was early on when I was still uncomfortable with random players coming up to my deer. I had felt that they didn't care about me as a player.... Does that make sense, in a closed-minded way?
Oooh I never thought of it
What to do to prevent others from thinking that way though? Seems impossible to solve since the Point system is a very vital part of The Lightbringers, and you can't really influence the way your actions are being interpreted...
I just has an interesting
What if the Lightbringer members were no longer the ones responsible for providing the proof of their in Game actions. It would no longer be their job to post a screenshot of their deer helping another new member. Instead, there could be a form of 'giving thanks' where new members could comment, mentioning someone who had helped them.
Similar to how, when you are shopping in a store that gives bonuses to sales staff who sell the most items. When you cash-out, you can mention the name of the staff member who helped you, and it goes on record.
I have no idea how this could actually be done, though maybe a link via signature could be used to direct members who have been helped to the blog where they can comment. Sort of like the 'how's my driving' bumper stickers on school buses and delivery trucks! This process would also involve new members more directly and educate them as to what the Lightbringers are about very early in their Community experience.
Big Bunny will come. He would
To put my two cents... Date
Date of LB Convention:
Well, let's say I'm a nerd, who will always find some time to sit at the computer.
I know that when I joined, I used only Foxbrow and not my other deer, for I just knew it wouldn't come well with their personalities. But it helped with her development.
Pigeonholed (a real teaser for my dictionary) - If it is normal to be afraid of admitting to be a Lightbringer, then something is surly wrong. Should't being a Lightbringer something you're supposed to be proud of?
About dusting off the page:
Great idea. For some time I thought to offer that I would create some new layout, but since I know almost nothing about it, it won't be very effective. Anyway, if there would be anything you think I can help with, just let me know.
Oh, And I think that giving a link to the Bios of LightBringers would be very appreciated.
I've always been quite conservative, but I can't deny that LightBringers are in need of new players, new members, new pages, new everything. It's been stagnating for too long already so I fully support any inventions.
I have a very fitting
I worry about the topic
More great input you guys.
UP - I would love to see you take on a new layout for the main page. hit me up at my email (above)
Tera - believe it or not, that's exactly how we wanted to do the LBs in the first place, but we were afraid if we had official in the forest scouting for good behaavior, we'd always wonder what those members were acting like when no one else was around. In the end, the photos seemed like the easiest way to award and rank members.
In other news - the convention is on! Anjali had a great idea to add a little more ceremony and activity to the event. Stay tuned for the flyer!
EDIT: SkatMat, BigBunny, Unplugged and anyone else in this thread interested in joining that I may have missed - please register by clicking the LB link in my sig an posting a request there. Thanks!
I say so too i think they