Name: Vega
Nicknames: Veg, Veggie
Titles: Horned Moon, Brittle Star
Pictogram: Horned Moon
Age: older adolescent
Size: #13
Reference: without antlers antlers (cw ded durr)
Gender: female
Orientation: gay aF
Status: single pringle
Scent: dust, ink and thunder
Diet: omnivore with a strong preference for meat, occasional cannibal
Tumblr x Toyhou.se
* fresh tiny, dark, sharp antlers came in, ending a long period of itchiness and headaches. Eager to try them out.
?.?.2018. sorry vee i'm can't time atm
Scoped out a lair for herself and chilled there for a bit, then went for a walk and found Ashe so chilled there for a bit too.
Had a lovely exchange with her quiet niece that ended up with culinary plans for the evening. Popped into human world to do some shopping, then met with Ashe. Time to baste squirrells in beer and see if that makes them delicious. A dang good time.
Heard about a Fight Club forming and went to check it out, itching to try out her antlers and work off some energy. It turned out to be a relaxed affair all in all but she left pretty satisfied after losing to Old But Gold aka. Yngvarr, then judged a fight in his favour (sorry Mr. Flair!), then faced and beat Bunnyman aka. Torfastr. Enjoyed her time despite getting banged up, appreciated the chance to stretch her fighting legs again and see some new moves from new fighters, as well as to wink at Artemis a lil.

Relaxed by the Ruins again, soaking up the sun. Joined briefly by a fellow piebald Tristan for a conversation about fashion.
Back at the Ruins on top of her conquered wall thingy, beginning to really like the view. Left only briefly to retrieve the presents she's had ready for the kids since fOREVER and hide them at her den, vaguely hoping to see them nearby again.
Paid off to mooch around though. Currently crying over how lovely her niblings are you beautiful fetuses. Even met Lav and saw a Gambit, but though curious went with Jethro to find the other babies. Gotta keep it civil on the first meet, sigh. In the end got to meet all but one and dispensed her educational gifts of sharpness. Not very worried about them fumbling or causing trouble as to her self-defense is the more important feature. Feeling pretty proud and relieved.
Hung around the Ruins today, soaking in the sunlight and killing time by conquering the tallest wall thingy. Blew off some more energy in play with a really cute lil fawn that between romps also led her to two very chill grownups (UY and Easca i think?). Sat with them for a bit before rejoining and then losing the fawn when she got tired from all the running (aka the player's game kept crashing). Found a patch of warm grass in the Birch, rolled in until dozing off.
disoriented by her first day in the forest in a long while and got lost like a noob as she followed her nose to a cluster of family by the ruins. supposed to be ok and fun and all as she thought she'd finally get to meet all those nephews and nieces but nOPE arc and one of the beebs were having a Moment.
so she mooched off to a nearby Ashe to ask what was up only it turned out to be Mag which was. nope atm considering the fam stuff she needed to pay attention to plus you're a customer why do you even exist outside the pub
exchanged some sass with anyway and lost totes only because she was distracted <.<
BUT priorities are priorities and arc's long face needed taking care of so rematch
lOST HER BROTHER AGAIN then plopped by the stream with some strangers hi to have her mood further soured as time went on and arc told what was up
torn between brewing resentment over what's technically only peripherally her business and starting shit herself since it's her own flesh and blood being too damn polite. could only make things worse though. hell.
left herself after a while to take her frustrations out on canvas
Spent the evening in the company of a bunbuncorn (Mare) and a Pretti Boi (Nacho). First tore up the dancefloor together, then aggressively pep-talked at him as she tends to do and squinted a lil at his injuries. Ring if you need someone beaten up ok. Then it was comfy calm naptimes.
OOC: smol reminder she's her own chara and her obnoxiousness does not represent the obnoxiousness of her player. tyvm poke me if you want to talk.
Snuck out late at night and slipped into the forest despite tomorrow being Monday bc f u education who needs you. Loafed about until she sniffed out her brother up yonder by the Playground, then hauled ass to inflict light stab wounds out of frustration after hearing about all of his offspring shenanigans and seeing his exhausted carcass.
Note to self: should really get around to meeting all those nieces and nephews, whoops.
Eloquently if not succintly expressed her shock at the soul split stuff and got a sermon on the importance of family for her trouble. She understands the meaning of sacrifice just fine, tyvm, but is stunned by the scale of the measures her brother is apparently willing to take. Souls are important stuff yo. Although his unwavering loyalty and responsibility are something she wishes others would give due respect to and ofc family is key, she's terrified of losing him permanently to a similar act of heroism. May or may not be growing jealous of these brand new children she's never met pushing her brother into the protective mode previously reserved for her. Torn between being glad for his happiness and wishing they'd never been born if all they're gonna do is put him into more danger.
Bad aunt is bad. Note to self: should probs make the gifts for the kids extra spiffy when she finally visits.
Staring into the water from the bridge, waiting for something interesting to happen.
©CSS "Evergreen" © Unplugged.
Tabs © AlisonRobin.
Character @ me
Contact: Discord Rain#0499
Skype raincl0uds
email ask me
Art @ respective artists
background texture @ Vessan
bottom image @ Sleepything
Tabs © AlisonRobin.
Character @ me
Contact: Discord Rain#0499
Skype raincl0uds
email ask me
Art @ respective artists
background texture @ Vessan
bottom image @ Sleepything
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curious track..
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t! ♥
By Draak ♥
Tor waves