Come...look at me, speak to me...

OokamiAzura's picture
...ask me.

Anything you want; whether it is about my characters, my life, anything. Do not hesitate - I will not bite. And I will try my hardest to answer to the best of my abilities.

I understand that I am not the most active person here, and that I'm not the most popular person here either; but still...even the most random of questions will humour me, spur me.

So...will you?
Hraeth's picture

What was the most memorable

What was the most memorable moment you've had so far in your life? C:
OokamiAzura's picture

Hoo-boy, there are a lot of

Hoo-boy, there are a lot of memorable moments...

+ Seeing Luke (One of my older dogs) for the first time.

+ Seeing Boe (My current dog) for the first time. I was a little girl back then, and my mother came into the room at about 11 at night, and asked if I wanted to see an early X-mas present, so I said yes. I remember feeling like something was walking on my bed, and I lift my head to see a little Yellow Labby puppy walking on my bed. It was bliss <3

+ Going down to Mystic, Connecticut with the rest of the Bio club at my high school, and eating at Mystic Pizza. There were about 35 of us, and they managed to get us 2 large tables on the upper floor. So much fun <3

+ Going down to NYC for the second time, and getting to hang out with some friends; albeit I wasn't too happy when they started coating my face in makeup down at Sephora. I will admit to having some fun out of it. Plus, getting to eat at the top floor of McDonald's - oh sweet Jesus <3

+ Snowboarding. I sucked at it, but it was fun <3

+ Tobogganing with my father and some other family/friends at our hill in the wintertime. And trying to keep Boe from trying to "save" everyone from the "evil" sled.

There's a few others, but these are the ones that first came to me <3
Hraeth's picture

Ahaha~. All awesome memories.

Ahaha~. All awesome memories. <3
I giggled and/or grinned at all of them.

Thanks for sharing. :3
OokamiAzura's picture

Yes they are

Yes they are <3

You're welcome <3
Lu's picture

What're your thoughts on

What're your thoughts on music?

Tired all over again; sorry, it's all I've got atm. ;;

OokamiAzura's picture

You're fine, Lu

You're fine, Lu <3

Music...I can't live without it. It sways all of me; from my thoughts, to my personality even. Music plays a large role in my life as something that uplifts/suppresses me, and spurs my creativity. Sure, there are certain songs and styles that I'm not entirely fond of (Most rap songs, and death metal aren't entirely high on my list), but still, I have rather varied tastes in music that give me certain rushes of emotions, of feelings. Some I can't even place.

Overall, I love music. I live it, and breathe it. As I've said before, I couldn't live without it.

What's your favorite food?

What's your favorite food? Drink?
OokamiAzura's picture

Hmm...I don't have a favorite

Hmm...I don't have a favorite food, per say, but I have a major sweet tooth. Especially when it comes to chocolate <3

I love meat as well. Meatballs, chicken, you name it. Only exception is salmon; I hate salmon.

Favorite drink? Milk; I love it <3

Are you afraid of

Are you afraid of anything?
Can be minor or phobias, whatever you like. x3
-hogs all questions- ;D
OokamiAzura's picture

Haha, no worries

Haha, no worries <3

Oh god...if there is one thing I have, it's severe arachnophobia (Fear of spiders, tarantulas, scorpions, etc.). Even something so much a picture of a spider is enough to make my skin crawl. far as others...well...I do have a fear of heights (but it's not really that bad, it's just a minor one), because my balancing skills are fail. Anything deeper than that...hmm...

I admit to being very afraid of being by myself with someone I barely know, especially if it's an adult. I am also afraid of people when they get angry or frustrated, and I'm terrified of people who are well known, or have close bonds to a handful of others.

And yeah...I think that about covers my fears here.
OokamiAzura's picture

Shameless bump.

Shameless bump.
3's picture

I love you.

I love you. <3

Do you have insecurities?


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OokamiAzura's picture

I love you too

I love you too <3


I have plenty.

I am insecure with the thoughts of others about myself; are they genuine in their smiles, their gestures? Or is it a sweet trap to entice the naive, the stupid? Do they befriend me to satisfy a hidden craving for something I possess? Not that I possess much, but still, this one ponders.

It is true that I crave and lust for certain things, but never would I entice and lure for such. I keep my desires hidden under the veil, awakened only when in the correct company. And yet, I fear that those around me don't do such, wanting me to satiate something of their own. But alas, I digress.

My insecurity towards others is deep. I fear that I simply annoy when that is not my goal. How do I know when I have overstepped myself, when I am not welcome? They tell me to seat myself with them, yet I can't shake the feeling that my presence is something not desired. I can apply that to the Forest as well, I suppose. I feel that so much as a flinch can create the spark of chaos I desperately don't wish for. I feel unease when I'm with certain ones, and it rattles my bones, and makes my heart quiver, my lungs pumping faster lest I suffocate. Even from a distance, that feeling never leaves. And yet, these are the very deer I wish to seek out, and meet, and sit beside.

Does that make me a glutton for punishment?

I am insecure about my own abilities. They say I can write well, and my edits are something to love, but I feel that I'm too far behind in my endeavours and that I can never be as good, left to falter and wither like the most pathetic of flowers. And what about outside of that? I can't game, I can't run, I can't hide...I am not good at most things, things essential to life. I can hardly speak without confusing someone, try as I might to be "to the point." I stutter and stumble, my words spilling from my mouth like sickness from the stomach. I try to manage my own illness, yet I falter every time. One could say I wish to spoil my body to the point of death, but I do not wish for an early demise. And yet, an early demise shall be inevitable regardless. Those with my illness succumb early; whether it be to blindness, or to the kidneys refusing to continue onwards. Mind you, it still will not be for quite some time; I wager a 75 year life is in store.

I feel that I've failed at many points in my life, and that there is no hope for me. I feel that, although I wish for better, I lack the drive to do so, and I trip upon myself, failure laughing at me with within the shadows, it's voice drawling, cooing, reminding me of what will never be.

As such, I am insecure of the future; I know not what awaits me. And yet, there is another insecurity that comes upon me.

There is one thing I should know, and yet, I do not know. And it terrifies me.

My true nature.

I do not know what my true self is like; I know the surface. I am a walking contradiction upon the world, and yet how do I know which traits are my true self, and which ones aren't? I feel many emotions, and I react differently each time. I lecture, yet falter on myself, hypocrisy dealing its cruel card. How do I know what the truth about myself is? How do I know what the way I feel now, that they way I describe myself isn't false? How...

No, no more. I've carried on long enough, and I'm sure your eyes are straining from such text.

For now, I shall rest.

Thank you, Moss. <3
3's picture

You and I have something on

You and I have something on common, love. <3 Thank you.


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OokamiAzura's picture

You're most welcome

You're most welcome <3 Anytime ~ <3

Somehow, I think I got carried away however...damn this music of mine xD;
3's picture

Not at all..

Not at all.. <3 You express yourself beautifully.


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OokamiAzura's picture

My heart fluttered upon those

My heart fluttered upon those words...I truly thank you. It truly does please me when someone says such to me...<33
3's picture

I say it because I mean it,

I say it because I mean it, lovey. Don't ever let yourself think otherwise.. <3


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OokamiAzura's picture

I trust you, Moss. You're one

I trust you, Moss. You're one of the close few that I trust with every fiber of my existence...<3

Just because I question a lot, it doesn't not mean I can't trust. Remember that...
3's picture


Mwah.. <3 Lacie, you're making me feel fuzzy ;;


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OokamiAzura's picture

But I speak the truth as

But I speak the truth as well, love.
