August 19, 2010 - 2:02am — Lantur
Frustrating indeed. I'm working on my biography, and I want a nice fixed background. Y'all might know about the handy dandy F12 key, where you can peek into the coding on the page you're on. But I don't wanna do that, 'cause I feel like I'm stealing other people's layouts just by snipping a few stuff here and there and changing the colors.
Code please! Or a tutorial about background images would do just fine! (Tutorials that have nothing to do with this community don't really work...)
I learned most of what I know
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ALSO(because I forgot to
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Well, maybe I'll try and
Ooh, but if ya can, can you post, like, the code for fixed backgrounds? Let's say, on the brown section of the journal. Or even the whole thing. xD
You are more than happy to
Thankee, Terabetha! I've
*lurk* *lurk* *F15 BUTTON*
background:url('URL HERE');
^I didn't copy-paste, so the background url part might not be right.
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Thanks, 3! I will need to put
I'll mess around with it, and see what'll get it workin'.
you know the parts that
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Thank yoooouuuuuu! I did it
I did it
I did it