BODY MOOD MIND A god not humble or generous. Fair and Just in a complex sense of the word. -She a happy woman- A wandering goddess from another world, here on her own. She seems very nurturing, loving and kind. Energetic with a love to chase and run. But as kind as she can be, so she can be wrathful. She is rarely so without a reason to. Her power stems in the altering of other god's magic. But now is fully capable of creating her own blessings and curses. She does not give her powers freely. (Cannibriel is not a character to attack others or start fights, and if something happens via misconception, she will back off. Due her non agressive nature, if you plan to attack or otherwise harm her, you are preety much consenting to have something bad happen to them in turn (I guess thats OK if you want that to happen lol). (But if it happned through a misconception, I'm happy to look away as if nothing happned at all!)) |
eeeee Beautiful drawing!
Beautiful drawing!
Vesssssss hi this is WG
Vessan! Hi there, lovely bio.
Heh, thank you guys
Canni and Shrike should
She seems so interesting.
Thanks guys c: For being my
For being my most important character, she is being severely neglected.
Anyone have any opinions on how to improve her thread?
putting a track here c:
(No subject)
Ty for the tracks ywy
<3 !
ahhhhhh ♥!
I feel so bad owo y.y as if i
Hiii! You chars r such a pleasant company. if you ever see canni in and long for company. come say hi!
t! She's a beauty ♥
By Draak ♥
(No subject)
Tirdah would come say hi if
Tirdah would come say hi if it hadn't been for planned RP :0 Hope it didn't disturb much Cannibriel or her child.
track :>
art by VasilisaKonti ♥
I thought I already