October 29, 2011 - 10:26pm — taytay1014
The Skull Pelts everyone is wearing, how do you get them?
I never was told how to get them and if you know, please comment this would be very helpful to me and possibly others. I just need to know how to get them and where and when to get them.
<3 Bailey
You will need to find the BZD
You need to cast a pelt spell onto him, and it should rebound back to you, giving you the zombie pelt. c:
I have the Zombie Pelt
For that, you will need
Just make a blog asking for the DotD pelt and I'm sure someone will offer to help you out! (:
when you have an older
where are you? i'm at the god statues right now, and i'll cast it on you if you want.
Oh my gosh thank you! I'm at
It's the grey pelt oops. X3
This is the picto:
hmm.. i don't see you. with
and, thats allright with me.
Ok I'll find you. My deer
Fffs I brought you to
*rage moment* Haha.
Could you please also give me, the DotD pelt? x)
Are you the one who is
taytay- alright. starling-
starling- sure!
Also. I see your pictogram as a T.. :]
That was me casting on your
Yes snow. Sorry I ran. Lol. I
star- no problem. haha,
no problem.
haha, this is why my deer's name is "TF".
.. *joins Tay in a blonde
I never saw it that way. 8D
Makes sense now, though.
Lol! I just want to BUST out
I THINK I FOUND YOU.... Too late though... LOL!
*has a blonde spazm moment* O.e
damn, this is confusing..
Oh.. ummm.... Can I get one
Wolfclaw; K Ill be there.
K Ill be there.
sure thing. (:
Thank you Wolf. =3
you're welcome!