Usernames's picture
Hey, guys. This is pretty much my last chance to see/get the deer set from the BZD. I've really given up, and am frustrated. I don't know why I can't find them, or why they aren't on as often. I really do give up. If anyone could cast the skull mask spell, I'd love it. >.< (Yes, I still think you should be able to.) If you see him in forest, reply ot this so I can finally get my skull mask. >.<
z.m123's picture

This blog is quite useful. c:

This blog is quite useful. c: Be sure to watch the comments!

too bad >.< you just missed

too bad >.< you just missed him, he was on all morning, and we don't cast the the spell, you
have to cast the spell on him to get it

edit: z.m123 you ninja!