June 12, 2010 - 7:30pm — Anzel
*anzel bows* Hello friends. For the first time in many, many passings of the real moon, I have tread the forest. My ill is just as prevalent as always, but I can say I strolled, and attempted.
I bear the ceremonial purple flowers upon my crown. It is my most peaceful outfit.
I watch over all of you, brethren and sestren. May your ventures be blessed.
Hello Anzel.
Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
Hello. Do I happen to know
I don't think we've talked
But anyway.
Oh yah, you might have known me as MickKreiger or AnimaSoul. Hehe.
Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
Anzel! It has been a long
Yeah, it has been...nice to
Aw, it really does amaze me
Yeah, well...-pokes
Shadows - Probably not. AnimaSoul does ring a bell to me. But you'd never see me in-forest. And if you saw me, I wouldn't see you. I'm known as the ghost deer around here x3;; No lie. Sadly.
aww that's a shame.
Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
ZellyZellyZelly hnnnn
-dannii-glomp- It's kinda
It's kinda sad, my max framerate on this computer is 21 fps xD;; Let's see if I can get into the forest...but it's a Saturday afternoon, so my ping's probably up in the heavens.
Oh hello! I don't think I've
Nice to meet you, Zeekii!
-yawns- Pictos not spreading, figured as much, ah well.
Ah, you've returned (: The
The first person to ever welcome me to TEF, two years ago.
Good to see your return :3
I have the worst memory of
Where have you all gotten these nomdelicious pixel arts of your deer -O- Zelly wants one!
Haha I wouldn't expect you to
Oh and the lovely Doe made my siggy; many people make their own these days.
The new version of MS Paint
I was just a fawn when you
Oh, hello. =D
You disappeared from dA!!! DD:
I've been trying to find you!
My ex...was stalking me and
Hi Anzel. I remember you from
Oh, wow. Hello again Anzel
Hey Anzel!
Aww... D: That's too bad...
I hope you stay here a bit.