BRB Going on a Psychopathic Rampage...

phantomhelsing's picture
I posted the same thing on deviantArt, but I'm on a roll with venting out my inner turmoil right now, so here we go again. Warning: As part of my nature I curse like a sailor.

Again, after the cut a wall 'o text awaits. Do I expect anyone to read/care? No. Does it matter? No. I do it because I can, and it makes me feel better.

Someone shoot me seriously :/

I have no idea why shit likes to rain upon me all at once, I mean sure I've racked up a good amount of bad karma, but not enough for this? I don't get to have it in small down-payments?

Tonight is the straw that broke the camel's back, so let's have a breakdown shall we?

Cato's List of Things That Royally Pissed Her Off:
+I'm tired. All the time. I stay up late taking care of stuff and doing art/schoolwork. And when I do sleep I have trouble staying asleep and get woken up by the smallest thing.
* I'm stressed. I have A LOT on my plate right now. More than I let on, and it's wearing me thin. I'm constantly going down a self-destructive spiral of self-loathing and insanity.
+ I'm tired of being alone. I have no real-life friends, the one that I do have lives across the state, I haven't seen her since Christmas. My only way of contact is through sites like deviantart and facebook, that's how isolated this place is. Not to mention I live in a house by myself, and as much as they annoy me, sometimes I miss my parents when they're gone for weeks on end.
* I have to take on everything here, I'm taking care of the house by myself, and it's not going so great. The plants died on me, I'm not too upset about it but my mom will be.
+ The toilet handle keeps breaking on me
* The shower leaks/floods all the time
+ The hot water doesn't work
* First the front door refused to latch properly so if i wasn't locked it would just swing open of it's own accord. But now, since it is one of those automated locks that only opens when you punch in a code it runs on died. Again. we just replaced those. And I have no idea how to change them,
+ FUCK. I didn't cut the grass yet.
* Or do the laundry.
+ Or vacuum.
* I did get the dishes done though.
+ My car died on me. The radio broke first, now the whole thing won't start. Checked the battery cable to see if it came loose again (reoccuring problem, it's a pain in the ass, nothing. Jiggled the gear shift before starting it, nada. Not three days prior we had given the battery a hot shot so that wasn't it. So now I don't have a car. The little pro there is that I get to drive the Mini Cooper now, but I miss my Jeep sometimes.
* SCHOOLWORK. Math is better, History isn't. I failed the last test and only 2 exams are left. I decided to just read the book, I never learn anything from his lectures. I have two critiques to write now, One for Art History and one for sculpture. The Art History one is easy enough, go over to the student gallery, snap a picture of something with my cellphone and critique it. The sculpture one however, we HAVE to go to a gallery and we HAVE to do it on a sculpture. Lady, do you know just where you live, exactly? THERE ARE NO GALLERIES HERE. THIS IS NOT AN ART TOWN. And any that we do have are small, and only sell little prissy pictures of flowers. And hell no I'm not driving all the way out to Frostburg or some shit like that, I don't know the area, my car is dead, I can only take the Mini out to go to class or the store, UGH I want to go in on Monday and punch her in the face >:C And half the class is having the same problem. Although, she practically handed an A on this to a small portion of the class who went on a field trip last Monday to an art gallery, which isn't fair to the rest of us who couldn't go because we had other classes that we couldn't miss out on.
+ I feel worthless. I feel ignored and unnoticed some days, and my self-confidence is wavering again. I put on a nice bravado most of the time, but I'm really shaky when it comes to putting faith in my abilities. Most of the time, I feel unsupported in what I do, I have to hide a lot of things from people, either because it's unfinished and I'm unsure about it, or it's a touchy subject that my family would freak out at so I can't show them. And what I do show I get paranoid about and I feel...overlooked. That's my biggest issue. I hate feeling that DX
* Someone made a post about characters that pissed me off. They're a total pile of BS, but it hit a nerve for some reason. Maybe because it called me out for being unoriginal and entering a demon into a tournament, but I called bull because saying that a demon character is overdone is like saying that humans or ninjas or whathaveyou are over done. I see them all done in equal measure and anyone can do a unique idea with a subject that's frequently used if they know what they're doing. So take your biased bullshit somewhere else.
+ High-altitudes or spring/summer storms are bringing back my headaches. Usually storms do it, but it's crippling me further. I spent a good chunk of Tuesday curled up in the dark in my bed, I watched an afternoon of Law and Order. I now know how to poison a room full of people with anti-freeze without them ever knowing.
* I must be some level of neurotic by now. I can't keep my head on straight. When I'm out at class or at the store I have a constant paranoid feeling that I forgot to do something or bring something with me (I never do, always false-alarms). the other day I drove half-way to class and had to turn around and drive back because I was sure I left the door unlocked...I didn't. I was late for class that day. I can't remember shit anymore. Not 5 seconds after saying something I forget it, I'll go to do something and can't remember what I was doing while in the act of doing it. I tried to put mail in the bathroom sink the other day (second time I did it too). And this happens very frequently, this isn't one of those rare little hiccups that is normal for people. I freak out at the littlest sounds, it might just be because I'm in charge of keeping the house safe and I've gone into some kind of high-alert, overprotective state, but it's wearing me out. It doesn't help that there's a god damn bird that comes and attacks my window EVERY FUCKING MORNING. FOR THE PAST 2 WEEKS.
+ Here's the zinger. What drove me over the fucking edge. My goddamn computer broke again. Yep. I was reminded today why I never turn the damn thing off anymore, sometimes it just won't turn back on again no matter what I do. I've done everything too, I let it cool down, I unplugged it, I cleaned it out, I put it in safe mode. Nothing. It's gone. Again. Didn't even last a year this time. I have no idea what I'm going to do for the tournament. Luckily I keep my scripts/storyboards/notes all in a notebook, but my templates were on there, the special brushes I used, my fonts, and I just found it easier for me to produce comics on the computer. But now it's dead. Can't get it. And I'm reluctant to do it traditionally. Even if I did, the office computer (what I'm on now) doesn't have photoshop and lacks the ability to run it properly. So I'm basically screwed. And this is pissing me off so bad. I've worked so goddamn hard to make it to the semi-finals, I don't want to give up now. Part of me says I might be better off, I'm not a favorite to win (at least that's the paranoid feeling I always get, about anything really) and I feel like I'll get my ass handed to me this round anyhow. My opponents have blown away their competion up to this point. Although...I guess on the flipside...I did too...? Meh...fuck it. I didn't want to go down without out a fight. Life seems determined to make sure I don't though.
* I KNEW THAT IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. It does this EVERY spring. I have no idea why. April is the worst month for my computer. I knew it would fucking conk out a few weeks before the deadline, and I would be royally fucked. I tried to save everything to a disk (didn't feel like working, fancy that. It actually said that there wasn't any room left which I knew to be BS because I wiped it clean and only put the tournament folder on there)...I could have e-mailed it to myself. Fuck I'm retarded.

I know that things could be a lot worse for me, that my usual advice would be to suck it up and move on, things will get better. Yes they do, but sometimes you feel so far down in the dumps that you just want to bitch at the world. I called my dad and practically pleaded with them to dead-head home after their next load (to Milwaukee I think)and they said they were planning on that, so, yay. And my dad said he'd call my brother about my computer situation. I got a call from the Art Institute the other day saying that I'd find out the scholarship contest results the first or second week of May. So yes, I do have some good things going on, but this recent shitstorm has beat me down quite a bit. I'll probably be out for a bit, I know I'll take a day to get back on my feet and suck it up, and then I'll probably start to do...something. I dunno what, but I have to do something productive or I'll completely lose my mind.

Kudos if you listened to my rant my heart out. All I really need is someone to listen to me right now, I'm tired of talking to the spiders living on my wall downstairs. I always bounce back, so I don't want the pity-wagon running me down. Cato will be fine again, she's just mad that a lot of crap likes to happen all at once.

M'kay I'm going to go slink off to bed and watch movies, there's nothing left for me to do tonight. At least, nothing that wouldn't cause me to smash my head repeatedly into the brick wall that surrounds my room.

Cato out.

* Hugs * and sen

* Hugs * and sen cookies.

Id say more but all I can say is WOW
Sonata's picture

I read it all ;-; I'm really

I read it all ;-;

I'm really sorry about all of this, but I dunno what else to do for you ;-;
if you need someone to talk to

(my Email and YIM)
Shiori's picture

Aw Cato…Christ on a cracker

Aw Cato…Christ on a cracker man >< I got stressed out just reading that…o.o’’ I wanna go hit something mrph. MAYBE YOU SHOUL? No don’t do that…
-siiigh- I hate when people have such perfectly good reasons to be stressed and unhappy @_@ Makes mine seems completely petty. On that note I really wish I had something deep and insightful to say but being one of few responsibilities myself…it’s hard to put myself in your shoes. Honestly I can’t imagine it <<‘ Probably not making you feel better here XD BUT I just mean you’re a strong person! Which is good!
I would of course offer myself as someone to talk to any time but…I guess that’s predictable, and rarely used resource in rant’s like these I imagine ^^ Still…
I hope all goes well for you soon…
trigger_mortis's picture

I'm glad for you that you

I'm glad for you that you were able to get that all out! It sounds like a lot of poison in your system, and it must've been awful to keep that all inside you.

I'm not sure what to say otherwise. Like you said, things will get better, but they are crap at the moment.

I guess, good luck with everything, and we're always here for you to be free from life, at least for a few minutes. Smiling

Fledermaus's picture

;___; -hugs-

phantomhelsing's picture

FFF You guys

FFF You guys <3 I totally seemed to have forgotten just how quickly you all seem to band together when someone falls down.

-Thanks Faunet <3 *munches cookies*

- Tis okay Sonata, all I really wanted was to bounce thoughts off of someone |3 and thank you, I'll keep that in mind.

- Haha, it's okay Shi, I never know what to tell people either <3 You help more than you know. I'll be fine, and we both know it. It just may be awhile before a round up all the stray bits of my life that scuttled off |D

-Thanks Trigger, it really does feel like a weight lifted off of my shoulders. I usually hold stuff for awhile, I'm too secretive haha I'll push through it though ^^

- :< *clings*
Shiori's picture

Lol weeeeelll I know I always

Lol weeeeelll I know I always tell people I'll be ok, and superficially I am, but deep down never really get there @_@ SO, if that is the case...that's ok too ^^' We don't have to be reassured you do heh. I wish I could do amazing quick art doodles for you like you make ;____;
phantomhelsing's picture

That's my usual advice too,

That's my usual advice too, though I like throwing in something along the lines of suck it up and push through it, though not that bluntly XD

Meh, I have days where I'm extremely happy over something, and then there are the days where i only put on a facade. Both work for me as i get them.

I know, I just worry that someone who doesn't know me that well might worry a little more about my emotional stability at the moment. Not everyone knows that I solve my problems by breaking down into a frail sate and then get up and flip life the bird |D

:< you don't need to do anything for me<3 (pfft those things? Take those skills, I need to learn how to crank out bigger pieces XD)

Gosh, I hate it when life

Gosh, I hate it when life hands out these shit-storms to deal with Dx
Ufda ;; I don't think I'd be able to stand all that stuff happening at once. Knowing me, I'd be foaming at the mouth as soon as anybody got within a few yards of me.

What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger? -brick'd-
I really hope things start looking brighter for you Dx ;;
If you need to get more stuff off your chest, you can always IM me ( )
quadraptor's picture

Aww sorry Cato, I wish I

Aww sorry Cato, I wish I could help. I think we're all going through tough times right now. I certainly am with my dad having cancer and my mom being depressed. I've got a lot of crap on my plate too, but I keep going because once I get done with college and start making a decent amount of money, things will start getting better.

If I wasn't low on money myself, I'd send you something to help out. I've been through that where everything seems to break at the worst times. It's never easy to handle, especially when you don't have the money to fix it.

All I can say is things will get better. As a friend of mine told me the other day, you're climbing a mountain, and you have to deal with the altitude change and twigs and rocks digging into your shoes, but when you get to the top and you get to see the sunset on the horizon, you know it was worth the climb.

*nuzzles* You know where to find me if you ever need me.
phantomhelsing's picture

-thank you Fish

-thank you Fish <3<3<3

- Quad, thank you so much. You're so nice <3 I don't even know what to say. And on a side note, that is a really pretty picture you found |D I'm tempted to paint something like it now know, when I have the means to do so again.

BAW you guys are really close to making me tear up now, you're all so supportive I don't know what to tell you. Knowing there's so many nice people who've got my back makes me feel so much better <3

:c I'm sorry. -snuggles

:c I'm sorry. -snuggles forever-
phantomhelsing's picture

-snuggles back-

-snuggles back- <3
Spyrre's picture

Whoa, that´s some very bad

Whoa, that´s some very bad luck. Sounds awful. o_o
You have my compassion.
AnimaSoul's picture

I think work with each

I think work with each problem as the oppurtunity arises.

And friends aren't as hard to make as they seem. All that can really hold you back is yourself there... + Computer Death.

Maybe it;s a computational error.....that only affects april.

^^ i'm really quite special...but i'm attempting cheering you up. hope it has success
The Soul Of Souls