Blood Sacrifice
January 18, 2009 - 10:31pm — Larr
Here we see young Larr in his guise of Voodoo High Priest of the Forest , preparing for the ceremonial blood sacrifice in order to appease the forest gods. Note the special giant candles he uses and the ceremonial mask and antlers he wears in order to perform the ritual..
Larr : ' I must appease the gods !! '
Voice : ' but Larr, who will you sacrifice this time ? '
Larr :' Well did have one idea but I'm not sure if Quamar will be willing to volunteer. '
Voice : ' erm - well you could always just offer the gods some nuts and berrys you know, I'm sure Michael and Auriea wouldnt actually mind that, I have some right here that I was preparing to offer myself..' *looks around for nuts and berries*
Larr : ' err, oh yer the nuts and berries.. ' * rubs belly *
Mwahaha! x'D You should
You should collect all of your funny pics from teef into one huge photoalbum! x'D I know id'll give me great laugh! ^^
Nala, the kind and oh so playful little butterfly doe.
lol the picture is great:)
the picture is great:)
Interesting!! Mystress is a
Proud Founder of The Lightbringers
I'm sure that Mystress is a
Thanks Celtic Mystress
And thanks aswell Nala and xhunter
No, but they share the same
Proud Founder of The Lightbringers