why dont we... i dunno, explain what psychological things were going on when this happened. what happened to make Fulu leave Darcy and go to Zilant, and what made Zilant come up to Fulu, and what Darcy thought about all of it...
i hate being left in the dark as far as psychology goes. i want to know what was going through their heads, and ill explain what Fulu was thinking in comparison 8>
its kinda dumb, but i would like to know. if youre not comfortable going into it, thats fine, ill take this down...
{This is RP related? I dunno XD I guess we have to label everything now)
Ok guys…I gave it good shot >< But it’s not working. Darcy isn’t comfortable in the forest anymore. It doesn’t matter how I feel about mates, does, whatever, because the truth is Darcy is who he is, and he feels how he feels, and I can’t change it =/ The more he sees of the cause of his heartbreak…heh…the less he functions. Today all he could do was run about like a lunatic while they were about, it was the only thing he could do to keep from thinking. I’m sorry, Reetno and Kumiko, for that…-shrug-
So…I’m going to take him out of the forest for a while. I don’t know how long…I don’t actually know if he’ll be coming back, heh. I don’t see any real resolve for this situation without making someone very unhappy ><
I’ll still be around though…I have my fawn Shyla to look out for. She’s still nice and innocent…and untainted >< Hopefully that wont change. I hope you guys receive her well in the forest, even if she is just a fawn, because…she’s going to be my only outlet…
The surver is down. For me, at least. I quit the forest, put a different spell set on, and then came back, and it was down. Poo. And Luciloma was on too... *cry*