health ////////// mental //////////
I don't want to be king, taking one step at a time.
Life is all about movement... the diagonal shift.

One of two, the sidewinder to his brother's bullheadedness.
Cunning, intelligence, speed, stamina... qualities of a monarch.
Doomed to follow a single shade... white, or black.
A bishop is nothing but a glorified pawn.
Without a queen, he is nothing.
He is nothing…
He is nothing…
But it's been flawed a while, hasn’t it?
We walked straight into this trap, somehow, never seeing…
We lost this game a long time ago.
♥ Eraline
♥ Rook
+ Mori
+ Graph
+ Ien
+ Tieff
+ Krystal
+ Syahi
+ Levi
? Henna
? Jokerman
? Xetkal | Darcy -
Gustiro ✗
Reed ✗ |
FIRST. ♥ Track. Also,
So glad to see this.
amazing as always ♥
adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
Thanks so much, guys! X3
Tracking on my main now.
Thank you for both of those,
(No subject)
*loves on you both* >u<
Wow, amazing CSS. Track. ~
Track. ~
Thanks so much! ♥
Omfg, this CSS.
Thanks so much, you two! X3
om nom
♥ you guys~
He's beautiful! As is this
Tracking ^_^
Thanks so much, Herla!
- This biography has been
Hey, I figured I'd clarify myself as well as track your blog. (It's gorgeous by the way.) The deer in the secretary pelt and orca mask was my stag, Cypher. His actions were in character as well. He's fairly protective of Shika though tends to be rather passive. (He's one of those classy-gentleman types that likes to try to find a clever way to talk his opponent out of kicking his ass and if he does have to fight, he prefers one on one despite sucking at fighting.) So when he saw her in danger, he jumped into the mix to try to get everyone off of her and to attack him instead. (Again, he's a gentleman who does not like to see a lady in danger.)
Id also like to track this,
I'd also like to apologize for Shika, she is IC and she hates Tieff, when she saw him she just had to attack him, once she did Bishop and I believe Dinah Moon? Also came and attacked my Shika. She also saw that she has dragged Cyph into the fight and eventually she tried to get both the deer to focus on herself and not Cypher.
Kumiko; Yes, that's exactly
Edit: Now, of course, remembering that Cypher and Bishop didn't fight much because Dinah (I think? Ahh, fuzzy memory~) pulled him over! Forgot that little detail XD
Shika; Yesss, after I read her bio, it all made sense XD She created a nice little bit of forest drama, haha~ And yes, the other deer was Dinah. I know Dinah is a long-time friend of Tieff's, and Bishop is already pretty attached to the white stag. It's nice that there were friends on both sides. I love watching/taking part in a fair fight @u@
Tracking (:
I'm sorry Bishop didn't hang
I believe your Bishop met my
Ah, yes! I was wondering who
And thanks for getting her
Ahhh yes, that was Rook,
And yeah, that sounds logical D: That really sucks! I'll keep an eye out for her.
he is so sweet C:
So is Saburo XD If he hadn't
oh lol xDD is'nt Saburo a OMG
Saburo is better then OMG DOE X)
ahaha you should tell to Bishop about this (.
Freyja; ♥ RiverCat;
RiverCat; ROFLLL. Well, he was certainly happy to treat him like one! Haha~ Bishop doesn't differentiate much between sexes, but I know Saburo isn't taking part in the rut, so I restrained him XD
oh yes, yes xD He is in so
oh oh oh , he will be sad without some pretty stags around xDD
Yesss, the beautiful
I'm sure there will always be pretty stags around, haha~ One of those, "Look, but don't touch" sorts of things, yes? XD
but they meets so rare D: n_n
oh, well, yes x) I think Saburo don't want any serious relations, he just want to little flirt, to sit together. He is very sensitive to physical contact. And Bishop is so cute :3
Yess, I know how that goes X3
Oh no problem (: He was quite
He was quite the breath of fresh air, bounding around among all the sitting deer.
Sorry if my deer didn't
Hello, ShikaTale. I believe
Oh okay, sorry i I do xD I am
It is ok. : )
My Leviathann also thought
/made a fail typo
Selruil - lol We do not mind
lol We do not mind the characters being confused. They are nearly the same and supposed to be hard to tell apart. I was just trying to clarify OOCly for ShikaTale since Bishop's player mentioned it once before.
; u ;
just clarifying. <3
Thanks, Chariot! X3 Shika; My
Shika; My Bishop was the deer your Shika fought a while ago, but Rook was the one who gave your other deer its set (and the one you met again recently, apparently~)
Further clarification, we enjoy having people confuse them. ♥ It was one of our reasons for creating such similar twins~ Don't drive yourselves crazy trying to tell them apart, haha.
(And for those of you who've added me on msn, if I'm not on there, chances are it isn't Bishop ;D)