Benny's beginning {Might be a little gross for some}

BrokkenSaint's picture
>Under Cut<

Maggots crawled around the motionless stag. They gently gnawed on the most damaged parts on its body. Feasting away it bloody, torn snout; leaving clean, white bone. The fly spawn devoured the damaged flesh from both the right hind leg and left foreleg, stripping both to bone and tendon. Some cleaned out the ills of the bucks ragged wounds. To any passing human it would have simply seemed the maggots were eating the softest and easier parts to get to. Perhaps simply hey didn't want to
think something more.

The stags eyes were still open in death. Every now and then a small pinpoint of light would appear in the large, unblinking pools. The maggots worked quickly but carefully as they cleaned up the stag. Then suddenly they froze where they were. They flung themselves into the shady exhaust stained, roadside grass. Some even crawled onto the hot road where death was certain. Something was happening. The dead stag started to twitch, his remaining muscles jumping under his skin. Choking sounds came from his throat and his legs kicked out. Life returned painfully to the stag.

So, what do you guys think?
Sluggs's picture

For some reason, I started to

For some reason, I started to like those little Maggots! Laughing out loud
ocean's picture

Intense! o: I've never heard

Intense! o:
I've never heard of a deer being born like this--quite a creative idea.

i think that is a cool way to

i think that is a cool way to begin. was he revived from death?
BrokkenSaint's picture

Tikwid- Yes Ocean- Thank

Tikwid- Yes
Ocean- Thank you.
Sluggs- Thank you as well.