Ayala the Dream Walker-- A Dream-- Her heart revealed

pattik1's picture

Patti's thoughts:

Hi, I'm Patti. Ayala's controller. I thought I'd give over to the Muse and dive into
her character's brain a little more in this blog posting. I have no idea what's going
to come out. I'm just going to type. LOL. Here goes. Smiling

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Ayala morning thoughts:

I thought I saw my father last week in the place of man stones. But he walked away.
Meeting my antelope mother filled me with joy and my heart is joyful knowing she's alive in the wood.

This month, I am so very happy. The one who birthed me has made herself known to me as a brown
gazelle of grace, short of horn, large of heart. The gentle furred long ear is her companion.

I wrote a song to my unknown father whom I still seek. My journey seems endless still.

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Ayala sings:

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"My name's Ayala! I am one of you. Do you hear?

I leap, I dance, I run in the red around the waters, just to feel my strength.
I smell the colors on the wind, clear as pictures!

Enter grace. Full spice. Love's taste. So dear in price.

Enter mind. Dream's sight. My kind. At dawn's first light.

Let fly the shards of whimsy. And dance up into the warm, amber air.

Calming as the dawn, the sunlight fills my eyes: the dancing air spirits I visit,
above the blossom gardens, tickle the velvet on my new antlers, softly, on wings.

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To my future mate. I am full. I am your color. I am your balm.

To my future fawns. I am empty. I am your song. I am your cup.

I sing, I bathe, I fly in the white above the skies, just to hear my heart.
I see our faces in the trees, light as mist!

Enter sleep. Eyes rest. Dream's keep. My journey's quest.

Enter near. Soul's need. Heart's fear. My flower's seed.

Let in the joy of caring. And walk misted into the bright, fiery sun!

Cooling as the night, the moon whispers my doubts: the silent stones I watch
beside the iron cage, stab with pain into my new body, sharply, as knives.

To my past ancestors. I am yours. I am your legacy. I am your future.

To my past dreams. I am free. I am your painting. I am your story.

My name's Ayala! I am one of you. Do you hear?"

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Ayala thinks dark but full of hope:

Will I dream of him again today, the other one who gave me life? Only the forest knows.
Father, the water folk always soothe me with their peaceful voices. There you shall find me;
By the waters. Waiting...

Will you seek me, one of your many forest daughters? Perhaps it is I alone who still loves you
so very much.

I follow the east wind. Seeking affirmation as I live the green world's gift of my soul. I am
one. But I seek my true family through you, in this place here under the endless leaves.

* ?`•.¸¸.•´´•:*´¨`*:•.••.¸¸. ´´¯`•?

*(¨`•.•´*•. ¸.•´ ** `•.¸.•´ `•.•´¨)*
* `•.¸.•AyAlA sEnDs LoVe***.¸.•´**
*******(¨`•.•´¨) (¨`•.•´¨)*********


Patti's thoughts:

Wow, where did that come from? Last poetry I wrote was in high school, a haiku or something.
Maybe Ayala will bemuse me again next posting. It may happen sooner rather than later, for
it is raining again, and I do so love a good thunderstorm. Smiling

… I WAS …………
………. HERE ……

Patti Smiling


Hello there! c: This is some

Hello there! c: This is some great stuff you have here.. it makes me wish there was rain and lightning outside while I drink my Sleepytime tea.

^^^ meant to post that on

^^^ meant to post that on this account.
I'm so smooooth.
Bayleen's picture

XDDD /tracking This is

XDDD /tracking

This is beautiful and mysterious... hearts;