Atvana is a manifestation of divine with the power to do, literally, anything.
That said, its actions relating toward others can only be brought into effect voluntarily.
By the mechanisms of its function and complexities of its nature, others will react in an infinite amount of ways.
It loves all and will not fight without defined meaning, and only very, very rarely play fight. While fighting, it feels nothing but love for the opponent.
Its personality is childlike in the sense that it is always curious, always looking at the world with fascinated eyes.
It plays often, in many ways, and never means to offend. It is very loyal to whom it meets, and will often stay manifested just for them.
It watches over all other beings and things, as a protecting parent, sibling, friend.
It holds no enemies, no hatred. Every wrong committed is immediately forgiven. It loves too much to do anything else.
It can see misery, hatred, jealousy, and all other negatives that are sometimes trapped in others. It will always desire happiness for all beings.
It will make attempts to rid others of issues that go against them. It will never stop trying to help a soul with a problem to rid themselves of it.
It cannot stop helping, as it cannot stop loving.
It can heal anything, if the being allows it.
This may be a conscious or unconscious will to not accept a healing.
It is also possible that a healing at that time would go against the highest good of all involved.
It does not have a single duty. It manifests to promote the highest good of all of those involved.
Through this diverse need, it comes in an infinite number of forms, some with a tiny defined task, others far less direct.
Some of these forms are recurring, others are only present once. Each could, perhaps, be mistaken for an identity of its own, a deity, a soul.
In truth, the name "Atvana" is just another of these mistaken forms. It is not merely Atvana. It is everything.
Atvana loves:
- Everything. It is all things.
It is the sky, the Earth, the seas.
It is the galaxies, the cells.
It is the Universe.
It is you, and it is I. It is all things.
It loves all things. Never ceasing. Always present.
It can be found...
(No subject)
Wow. o: You are quite
Nice call. o:
I think I met your deer
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.
(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
:< In case I don't get a
In case I don't get a hold of you on MSN:
I like your bio, it's very
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.
(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
Gglidden, You indeed have. I
You indeed have. I remember you. <3
Also, you're very sweet. c: Some day there may be additions. I've not decided where they will go. o:
Liondogs RULE when you make them.
Ohho~ I have invaded yon
I have invaded yon list, I see.
That you have. Try not to
*raises hell* >>
I see your Hell and raise you
BAM! Purgatory! What?!
Yeah? I raise you Limbo.
(No subject)
... That hurt me to watch.
I love the new pic of Atty!
You're sweet, love.
I love this character. "It"
Kaoori, o: You're so sweet!
o: You're so sweet! <3 c: Thank you.
I can't say I didn't reference it, but I suppose there ca be originality in the delivery, the writing, the wording, the presentation. Either way, you're very kind. <3
And thank you. 8D I like smiles. c:
Love the new picture added.
o///o Thank you.
Thank you. <333
pointless comment for
Pointless comments are always
Pointless comment for new
Omai. Well thank you thar.
Well thank you thar. ;D
If only I could draw its true sexy. < <
Mmm. X3
Lovly picture! 8D Oh, how I
Love ya..
{Click to view Nine's bio}
Gibby, Thank you very much.
Thank you very much. <3
I don't wish you could draw like that. Then you'd just draw like me, and that wouldn't be exciting at all. The world already has a me. The world needs a you.
I... Don't get in much anymore, sadly. I try, but my time is so erratic... Perhaps that's one reason it hasn't really lost all its luster in my eyes. It's still something I can't have. xD
I love you too. <3 Thank you, for that. Finals week is... Fun in its own way. <3
Trackkk :]
Why thank you. o:
The comme-
o_o Your icon is glorious.
... nt is all yours. 8D <33
8DD Bring it.
Bring it. xD
-Watches staredown.--Watches epic battle.-
-Puts on a happy face.-
T'was just a spar
XD >3
dfhjfagd *knows teh player*
8D Those are the best
... Bunnyvana.
It's clearly that time.
Replaced by bunny fais.
brb gonna take a
I'll keep Tully in
Have a nice SHOWER. And he
And he will sleepfloat. |D
Atvana is a lovely character,
Mm..that shower was pretty
Fff, you're making me
Thank you very much. <3
I've never much mentioned... Well, anything about Ephiré, but I've seen you and he around for a long time. I've always enjoyed that fact, too. c:
So this coming from you is a nice ego boost. Thank you. <3
Fffff, NINJA PROVINCE. (Lol. > >)
OH GOOD. OH HAI. OH ... Splash. \:
Well. xD Alright.
X {in case you miss it}
{in case you miss it}
... -Cling.- I love you. 8D
I love you. 8D
*smothers* I do it out of
I do it out of love, I promise.
-Snort.- What's funny is...
What's funny is... I think it was this afternoon? Or perhaps this morning... I was lying in bed, partly asleep, and decided that I should comment on Dhudhwa's profile, or somewhere, to say hi. And the this. c: <33
You're so sweet.
But I won't tell them all; it's a secret. ;D
PSST HAY LADEH Do you hath
Do you hath msn?
I do. It's
Mind the stupidity. I was fourteen. > >
I debated asking KittyCatKita or Alecsander or Ocean for yours, but I figured it'd be weird if I just sprang up. > >
I'm about to go to bed here in a bit (I'm a little sleep deprived... But mostly I just don't want my best friend more upset with me about staying up all night on the computer. xD) so I won't really talk tonight, but I should be on again tomorrow. My online times... Vary a lot. Things come up more than they used to...
But I still make it. ;D
XD! Mm, me too. it's 7 am,
Mm, me too. it's 7 am, and I haven't had a lick of sleep since 5 pm yesterday 8D
after I mow my grammy's lawn, I'm gonna black out |D
I sense the Coincidinks! Bah
Tis a guild secret
TFOodles, I really hope you
I really hope you slept. > > <33 -Smothers you with love, currently.-
Not at all.
I just missed you and wanted to talk to you. <3
Can I join?
*Ra insta-clings to Atty like
I am here to SPAM YOU WITH LOVE! *loves on like forever* <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
You are love. <3