Attention All Who Possibly Care~

Arrikanez's picture
I am moving accounts. This one is simply too cluttered with stuff that I 'track' in order to be of any use.

Arrikanez will become REV'S account. As in - I will log on to post on this account when I have a story about Rev, want to update his bio, or other such things.

My OTHER DEER will have their own accounts as well. This is mostly to prevent confusion on my part. XD
I may not even have Bios for my other deer - we'll see.

Kire, after all, is gone. His account will be used by another character.

My NEW account which I will be using for general posting, will be called MysteriousMalice.
Please look out for it.

I have used 'Arrikanez' far too many times on the internet, and people are starting to track me down because of it. My Gaia account has been hacked, my Roliana account has been spammed, and a few other accounts completely shut down, or bombarded because of it.
'Arrikanez' is not a well-liked name. Thus, it will be retiring.

I have created 'MysteriousMalice' in only two other places. THERE WILL BE a deer attached to this account, but it will be a genderless representation of MYSELF. When you see it in the forest, there will likely be no RP going on. I will become this deer only when I feel like being in the forest, but not roleplaying.

It stands to reason then, that ANY OTHER deer I enter the forest with - Including Rev, the new deer on Kire's picto, Dr. Deere, or Estrellan - will be roleplaying at ALL times [excepting spell spammage to help someone].

Please keep this in mind~

Thank you for reading this wall of text!

TL;DR version:
I am changing general posting to the account 'MysteriousMalice' because I use Arrikanez too much. On this account I don't roleplay.

Aw ok *keeps eyes pealed for

Aw ok *keeps eyes pealed for new account*
I'm sorry to hear you get trolled/hunted down >:C I'll have a word to say if anyone finds you here and gives you a hard time... *taps crowbar in hand*
MysteriousMalice's picture

And Voila! Here I am. XD

And Voila!
Here I am. XD
ocean's picture

Alright! :3 /makes note

Alright! :3
/makes note
Pegasicorn's picture

Noted. =]

Noted. =]

Noted as well, and I stand

Noted as well, and I stand front line with Tera. -sharpens sword-
You aren't alone dearie.
And I'm glad to see you're making new starts, it's good to start anew!! <3