I'm not sure yet, but maybe this will be my art blog.
We will see how many arts I will upload here, but it will be only TEF Related if I do so! c:
Arts / Screenshots
(you can open these in another tab to see them bigger in size! also the sections have scrolling boxes
11.03.2025 - Ferne's TEF version.
09.12.2024 - A gift for Saater.
I'm glad there's this blog
I'm very happy to hear that,
Art made by Saater
(No subject)
Oh My GOOODNESS Saaaater! My
My jaw just dropped and I'm not sure I can get it up anytime soon, Oh my, that is just, THAT is incredible art! I'm always so honored when you draw for me and like every art pieces you have made, all of them are amazing. Thank you so so much for this surprise <3 I really love it, I'm almost crying, it is so sweet of you ;;
I'm just staring all the details you have put into this art piece, every scale and every green color and those vines and the little flowers, and the mask too!! ... I'm speechless. You are very talented Saater, and you always amaze me even more when you draw (of course the positive way!). Keep it going and honestly, you should also sell your art! I'm very sure there are a lot of people who would buy your art (me included)
Your surprise gifts always gives me a warm feeling and happy face for the rest of the day and these are something that will be remembered a long time, giving the good feeling all over again and again.
Thank you so much, you sweet soul <3
Art made by Saater
I'm so happy you liked it!
^^ I'm very happy you want to
I'm very happy you want to share your art with everyone, that really warm my heart and it is very sweet, really. Oh and I meant like if someone wants their character in your style, that they would pay for it, but totally understand if you don't want to do that, but also it is an option <3
can't wait to see more arts from you, it really brings smile to my face c:
Art made by Saater
Have to hop in to track
The screenshot of Rindea jumping through the trees made me laugh so hard, that's such a fantastic shot
Also, gorgeouss portrayal of Ferne from Saater, those vines are amazing
signature by Atlas
forever sleepy
I absolutely adore Ferne's
I love the screenshots!! I also burst out laughing when I saw the one where Rindea is jumping through the trees haha, I love it so much! Just look at her go!
Also the Ferne that Saater drew is absolutely gorgeous, I love all the little details!! So incredibly talented!