Arts for Narina + other schtuffs :3

Trickster's picture

Mreeeew, was trying to draw a cartoon birdy and got slightly sidetracked, and then decided to make it into a little gift for Nari as a token of my appreciation of her absolutely wonderful picture of Jester~! :3 It's nowhere near as epic as what she drew me (aosdiad THANKIES SO MUCH AGAAAAIN ♥), but I wanted to make something, and Rippy is such fun to draw, even though I still want to draw Irwin when I get my style sorted out a bit better. I do hope I got his markings right, and it kinda looks like he has a tail even though it's sposed to be just floofy hair, andandand I just wanted to put his nifty tongue in there because of it's niftyness :3 I don't usually draw like this, so this was an experiment, of sorts-hopefully I can develop this simplistic kind of doodle cartoony thing into something a bit more refined, and yanno, branch out from my usual style a bit to something more fun Laughing out loud It's also been ages since I drew so hopefully this can be the starting point of me getting back into making art again, tee hee~!

I hope you like this Nari, THANKIES AGAAAIN, and like, if anyone has any constructive crit, I'd adore it-after all, this is the first picture I've ever drawn like this, so any advice would be muchly appreciated! Laughing out loud Thankies and enjoooy~!

Extra note: Whilst I remember, I've been commenting on sooo many posts lately, as well as the fact I've been receiving comments on my own posts too, and I truly apologize for how laggy I am with responses as of late. As I'm sure you guize will all understand, busy times are busy for me right now consisting of not only the busybusy business that was the festive season, but also the fact I was away for two weeks, and am now currently applying for many universities and organizing all those fabulous things that come with tertiary education entry, plus some personal things, so yah. I'm very slow with replies right now, but I will get to you all eventually, so thankies all for your patience, eee! Laughing out loud I just really don't want to seem like I'm being lazy or have anyone think that I'm snobbing people or whatevs-I'm a genuinely friendly person and I adore chatting and meeting you all, just yah right now, I'm barely having time to sleep so it's a little hard to keep up, sadly! *giggles* So yah. This will all calm down soon, and then I can give you guize all the lovely attention you deserve, tee hee! Laughing out loud Thankies again for being such a fabulous community, and I can't wait to get more involved~!

Also, Nopje, I owe you art Laughing out loud And a few others too, so I'll get on that very soon :3

...Long post is long. I do so love to ramble ♥
Verycrazygirl's picture

you already know how awesome

you already know how awesome this is!

Trickster's picture

Eeeee, thankies soooo much

Eeeee, thankies soooo much Lottiekinssss~! Laughing out loud I'm so glad you like it and IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT THIS IS POSTED so thankies for encouraging me to do it, tee hee! :3

Narina's picture



I love that style, Rippo looks so fluffy and his face is ripped from an anger. Green tongue'd angel. Seriously, I can't get over the cuteness of this. 8D
Also, I'm looking forward to see more art from you, because your style absolutely feeds my hungry eyes. And I'm very fond of cartoony-drawing style, I can't wait to see how you develope. o__o

I salksalsjsd -drools all over the screen trying to reach Rip-pic-
Thank you a lot, I mean, really really much.
Because. This. Is. SPARLOVE.
Trickster's picture

DAAAAAW~! &hearts; I'm so

DAAAAAW~! ♥ I'm so glad you like this, eee! Laughing out loud It was very much an experimental piccie for me, and thankies so much for the lovely compliments and for giving me such a wonderful character to draw! :3 I had so much fun with it and I'm honestly so happy you enjoy it~!

Firstly, I have to say that I hate you because you made me blush a little bit with your comment here Sticking out tongue Now I feel like I should be like, skipping around in a cherub outfit singing songs with rosey cheeks and all that shizz. But yeeeey, I'm so glad you like the style, and oh my gosh maybe I could instead be a green-tongued angel with rosey cheeks which would be quite neato. But aaaw, I'm so glad you think it's so cute, and thankies so much, honestly! Laughing out loud But aaaw I too am a huge fan of cartoony drawing styles, and I can't wait to play around with it as well as see more of your art that totally feeds my hungry eyes too (i feel like I should be saying MY PRECIOOUUUSSSSS)-I love the colours and the expressions of yours and aosidufoaud everything I said in my last comment, your style is just lovely! ♥ And just asoidfaoud I'm putting a ban on how many compliments you can put in a post next time.

*Giggles* Thankies so very much again for the picture of Jester-it's absolutely darling, I adooore iiiit! Laughing out loud And honestly, thankyou a lot too-I truly mean it, when VCG is like HEY YOU HAS GIFTARTS FROM NARI I was like ASODIFUAODU *HAPPY EXPLODE* and then i saw it and i was like *HAPPY EXPLODE SOME MORE*. So eee I'm honestly so glad you like this, thankies again, and you're absolutely welcome! Laughing out loud Eee!

This is SPARTAAAAA. Someone had to finish it. I just thought I'd do it *polishes badge*

aodsif No wonder I take ages to reply to stuff. Even without the busytiems my rambles are like *NOMS ON TIME*. But it's so worth it Laughing out loud :D Laughing out loud