I would really like 2 pieces to go in my Biography of Iphea.
1. A portrait. (He has no portrait yet.)
------He has a human face, and appears EXACTLY like he does in-game: Brown face, whitish-bluish eyes,
TEF Facial Anatomy, Default Antlers, sometimes with Flowers or Birds in them if you wish some creative room. I would love something realistic, but I'm not too keen on photomanips.
2. A Regal Picture.
-----I feel like he needs a picture of him looking regal. Sometimes I imagine him as a very intelligent, regal being and I would love to portray him as such on occasion. Maybe have him in a pose with one foreleg raised... or his head held high while he walks? Human face, of course.
<3 So much love.
hey I really don't have time
1 2 3
Unplugged, you are a true
<3 Thank you.
Aw Unplugged ;A; I adore the
I really wish I could draw, MBC :C <3 I hope more people accept!
Mmmhmm . . . blamo.
Hnnnn~! You are always so
New account bump
ForTwoLifetimes, Moonsoverwater, PandaXiongMao, MissButterflyCaught, FaunGrae, All the same, a friend with many names.
Avatar by Meadow Sig by SightHoundLady