[hugs] Oh, you poor, poor deer. I can't imagine how you must feel about Sluggs right now, I haven't had anything like this happen, so I can only hope you feel better soon. You can't blame yourself! It's partly his fault too, please don't bring this down on yourself. You'll find it's a lot better to be single than have someone nudging your neck every time you stop to do something.
I think it would have been a whole lot wiser of Sluggs to tell you rather than immaturely let you find this out for yourself. It's also partly Echo's fault--she should have known Sluggs had you, and waited for you two to talk about this rather than accept his proposal. You had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with this. Sluggs was a jerk dropping you in the mud like that. Really, he should have known! The nerve!
Oh, Run! [hugs again] Please forget about all of this! Will a run through the forest help you? I'll allow you to let all of your anger out on me if it helps; keeping it bottled up will only make it grow. :C I want to help. Poor Run... [hugs tighter] <3 <3
Chin up, dear! Go stomp on that nasty Sluggs, and then let the sun warm you and trot through the forest to show him you do not need him to help you stand anymore. You were great without him, and you can continue to be great. Really, what is love but a game? Especially when people cheat in it. You played your cards wonderfully, and then -he- comes around to blow them out of place. You had no say in how he has acted in your absense... it's not your fault...
Please let me help you, Run. Poor Run, poor dear.... <3 <3 I won't stop hugging you until I know you're strong on your own. c:
thanks. =) well. I can never forget Sluggs, but maybe I'll have to get new friends and stuff (I think I lost many of them). And you're right.. it's just a game. It's actually not real, but it feals so. thank you (hugs back)
How dare he! I had no idea!
Run, You poor thing! Let me help you too!
I saw you earlier in the forest! I tried
to be there for you but you
paid no attention to me.
All I got was a sad bow and that was it.
Run, let us help. Forget him! *clings*
You don't need him anymore!
You can stand all by yourself!
I'm sorry if I'm not helping.
It wasn't fair for him to just
run off like that, I had been trying to
tell my sister Fincayra about that. *quotes self*
"Maybe Run just got tired for a while and left a bit,
I still don't think Sluggs should mate with Echo
right after she left!" What happened anyways?
Please don't take the blame, give it to Sluggs.
It's his fault! You only left for what?
A couple weeks? I admit he looked really upset
but that was so wrong to do that!
Oh Run, deer sweet Run, let go of it!
Just let him go...
Like Her said, you can still deal with
life without him. Ada will be your friend,
And so will Her, and Taiko, and
Perplex, and Whisper, and Kinoshi,
and Her, and Stumps, and Alpha,
and Walter, and Twenty One and
everyone else I know! It's okay
deer... Please be happy again!
PS: None of this was your fault,
Don’t you dare say it is!
I'm happier now. =D but I still miss Sluggs.. now, Echo and I are friends I hope. and I can't take Sluggs from Echo, because she's my friend. =) friends doesn't fight.
I'm glad you've seen it through. <3 It's okay to hold on to Sluggs--what I said about him being slimy really isn't true, but it is for what he's done. He's an overall great stag, funny and all, and that's the Sluggs you should remember. And who knows? Maybe Echo never knew you were a couple--either way, to forgive is the first step, and I'm ecstatic you came through and forgave her. Thank you. <3 [hugs AGAIN xD]
The next, harder step is to get through to Sluggs... I can only hope he'll forgive as you already have. Anyhow, I'm having oodles of fun with you now! <3 n____n We're still friends!
Okay Run...
I'm still so sorry
this horid thing happened.
I'm glad you made
friends with Echo though,
she is a nice doe. You never
know... Maybe Sluggs will get a hold
of his senses and return to you
God Her! You must be the
most encouraging deer I've ever met in
my whole entire life.
You really do know how to cheer
someone up!
(not being sarcastic)
oh, it'll be a hard step to get through Sluggs. everytime I'm in here, I'm thinking on things we did. that was fun =) you all are so nice! everytime I see Echo I'm also thining of days with Sluggs.. I MISS SLUGGS!
THAT MADE ME SMILE because I think my words of encouragement are HORRIDDDD. LOL but thank you, I had to say *something*. xD Had I not been on at this time I believe you would have helped tremendously too. Dear sweet Vinyelle! <3 <3 And you must be the kindest deer I've ever met in my whole entire life.
EDIT: AHH RUN I'M SURE YOU DO. Miss him all you want! It's okay, too. I'm also hoping he'll get on so I can go rear some sense into him. Whenever he shows up, though, I'd encourage you to act as if you were still a couple. Don't avoid him. Nudge him, follow him, laugh with/at him, do something! =D You can't possibly hate Slugg-bear, so you can't possibly fake hating him in the forest.
I feel REALLY bad, so to make it up to you I'm gonna try and get you and Sluggs back together! (If you want) I do want you to be happy, and I shall be your friend through thick and thin!! =) And if you don't want to be my friend, or even ever say hi to me I will understand.
Please don't get upset anymore! No, I will NOT think of you as an idiot! Oh, and please change your name back to Run.
I am very glad that you and Echo are friends again, but I am unsure as to how I should act toward Sluggs.. hopefully you will be able to meet him before I do, and then you can both resolve this.
Oh Run... You'll find
another just like him!
Any stag would fall madly in
love with you Run.
You're so sweet!
Oh and please don't
change your name!
It's beauitful!
Who wouldn't!
Stumps (my stag): har...har... har... *blush*
Run, I'm deeply sorry to hear about all this... but Sluggs really was devastated when you didn't appear for a while. But he should have given it a little more time before running off with another doe. But maybe this is just a big misunderstanding?
But I'm glad you forgave poor Echo. <333 ... it wasn't really her fault.
She's a nice little doe, she is. 8D
Esll doesn't know now whether to teach that Sluggs a lesson next time they meet or if he should back off and leave things be. However, I think he deserves to know just how badly he hurt Run. ;D
Look here, Run has left me standing in the forest time after time without saying goodbye, she's been back here since leaving TEF, reading these blogs, but hasn't been in touch with me. It only takes a minute to write a message here, or email me, but she did neither. I decided that she didn't care for me any longer, so I looked for a new mate. Is that so wrong?
I still have feelings for you, dear Run, but I'm with Echo now. You're a beautiful doe Run, you'll find someone else soon enough. I wish you hadn't had left the forest like that, I wish you had at least let me know what was going off, but it wasn't to be. Please don't make out I just ran off with another Doe while you were away, because I'm not that type of Stag.
yes, I said it was my fault! oh, it won't be easy find a new stag, but I'm having good time. and I'm sorry! I've always been thinking of leaving a message to you. but you wasn't on and .. I'm a stupid girl -.-
Oh, please now, you are not stupid nor ignorant, you are a very nice, playful, and smart girl.
I should have thought twice about what I was doing with Sluggs, and I wasn't thinking about anybody else but me at the time, and I wish I had thought about you.
I'm glad everyone's feeling happier now. Come to think of it, I don't necessarily find it being anyone's fault here. (Omitwingadz, I'm going to try and make a point! )
Sure, maybe Run could've still been able to contact you, Sluggs. But if you're busy, you're busy, and that's something that can't be easily avoided.
And sure, it may have been better if Sluggs had waited until Run returned. But with no contact from Run whatsoever, I guess I can say it's not really fair to blame Sluggs for getting together with another doe, either.
Not a story? A tale, then? And I beg to differ! Does are females, and what do females do in real life but stay with each other until something stupid comes around that they may complain about and eventually end whatever relationship they had? I am someone who absolutely despises the invention of the phone, and I only like being with my friends in school; sleepovers and the like make me sick. I'm not your average doe, thank you.
It's the males that have a team for life. Men are so strange! They never fight and they think everything they do is right, and you know it. This is a perfect example of that.
I am in such a catty mood right now. >:I
PMS'n, I suppose? [flails] It shows, too, I take it. xD I wasn't exactly an angel to you and Echo a short while back. This will fade. But as of now, I'll be honest and say I'm not happy with your choice.
Don't be sad anymore I can be your friend I have a lot of friends in TEF and we play always together you can always come with us to play ! hugs to you !
I agree, but let us not fight about genders.
We all know that men are different and we all know
females are strange, well when a female
(Her) tells a male (Sluggs) his sex is very
odd and sometimes not really tolerate able. That's
usual because I'll bet Sluggs feels the same way
about girls. And Her, dear I must correct you,
men ALWAYS fight
And about the insult to does,
*takes a deep breath* I am a girl,
Ada is a doe. Ada loves Sluggs in
a friend way and she wouldn't shun
him in the forest. But now you say
stuff about girls? We're all different girls.
For your information, I'm a girl who hardly
even plays or even talks with her friends,
I'm a girl who like her DESPISES the
phone. I am a girl who wears dark colors,
I am a girl who sometimes dreams of being a boy.
My favorite color is tan, I also like the color
brown, I like black and especially gray.
If you take me for a snobby girl who likes
chattering on the phone, killing people
with her fashion talk and murdering peoples
eyes with a bright pin color. Think again.
WOOWW this page is getting long. xD xD I'm gonna stop here and say it's all over with, Run's fine and so are Sluggs and Echo. And, everyone is still friends. YAY HAPPY DAY. <3
But, I do think you should think about your choice...
You should pick the one that cares aboiut you and that is better, But for Echo to suggest to Run that she would not be your mate... Well, that just seems like she doesn't care. I have noting against Echo I'm just telling the truth, and trying to look out for you Sluggs.
And you can choose which one you like, heck, you can choose neither and Whisper will still llove you as a friend. She knows waht you're going through she has lost a mate also... Just remeber Whisper is here for you and I know you're here for her, because you protected her when that deer was being mean.
Whisper will always be there for Sluggs no matter what. Just remeber Sluggs, I'm here to help. ^^
Whisper, the only reason I said that is because I felt much guilt. I was the reason this whole blog was made and I just wanted things to go back to the way they were.
I have a very strong love for Sluggs, but I knew that Run's love for him was much stronger than mine. Run and Sluggs have been together for who knows how long, and Sluggs and I have only been together for a few days, and I'm just getting to know him right now.
My heart is in tatters, and is yearning for you! I want to be back by your side. I'm so sorry I ran off with another Doe, but I really thought you didn't care for me any longer. Can you ever forgive me?
It would make me very happy if we could forget about all this, and get back to the way we were.
I wanted to approach you earlier, but didn't have the courage, so I kept my distance.
I'm so sorry to have to hurt you, Echo, but I need to be back by Run's side. I hope you can understand. I just can't live without my Run! *Sniff*
*bites lips* Aww!
We've been together since december last year, haven't we?
I'll play TEF more now.
And if something happens I promise that I'll tell you!
Our internet will close very soon.
It will open again when we're finish cleaning rooms. =/
I'll clean as fast as I can!
YAY, we're back together! \o/ I'm the happiest Stag in the forest! Don't rush the cleaning, I need to get a few hours sleep first, otherwise I won't be myself!
I'll see you later, dear Run.
<3 <3 <3
PS. Special thanks to all our friends for being there for us when we needed them.
Yes, we can still be friends, I will miss you very much, but I think it's better this way. I am both happy for you two, yet with I'm with much pain and sadness right now.
Esll will be sure to give you a couple of nuzzles when he sees you in the Forest, Echo. Sorry all this had to happen... but it was just a big misunderstanding. I'm sure Echo will find another mate as great as Sluggs, or maybe even better. She's a nice doe. <3 *deer nuzzle*
Yeah, Echo is a good girl,
I'm going to go into the forest in
a few minutes and love on her.
She's really upset now.
But she is good, she probably didn't.
What happened, Run?
[hugs] Oh, you poor, poor
I think it would have been a whole lot wiser of Sluggs to tell you rather than immaturely let you find this out for yourself. It's also partly Echo's fault--she should have known Sluggs had you, and waited for you two to talk about this rather than accept his proposal. You had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with this. Sluggs was a jerk dropping you in the mud like that. Really, he should have known! The nerve!
Oh, Run! [hugs again] Please forget about all of this! Will a run through the forest help you? I'll allow you to let all of your anger out on me if it helps; keeping it bottled up will only make it grow. :C I want to help. Poor Run... [hugs tighter] <3 <3
Chin up, dear! Go stomp on that nasty Sluggs, and then let the sun warm you and trot through the forest to show him you do not need him to help you stand anymore. You were great without him, and you can continue to be great. Really, what is love but a game? Especially when people cheat in it. You played your cards wonderfully, and then -he- comes around to blow them out of place. You had no say in how he has acted in your absense... it's not your fault...
Please let me help you, Run. Poor Run, poor dear.... <3 <3 I won't stop hugging you until I know you're strong on your own. c:
thanks. =) well. I can never
Is it OK that I say sorry to
How dare he! I had no
Run, You poor thing! Let me help you too!
I saw you earlier in the forest! I tried
to be there for you but you
paid no attention to me.
All I got was a sad bow and that was it.
Run, let us help. Forget him! *clings*
You don't need him anymore!
You can stand all by yourself!
I'm sorry if I'm not helping.
It wasn't fair for him to just
run off like that, I had been trying to
tell my sister Fincayra about that. *quotes self*
"Maybe Run just got tired for a while and left a bit,
I still don't think Sluggs should mate with Echo
right after she left!" What happened anyways?
Please don't take the blame, give it to Sluggs.
It's his fault! You only left for what?
A couple weeks? I admit he looked really upset
but that was so wrong to do that!
Oh Run, deer sweet Run, let go of it!
Just let him go...
Like Her said, you can still deal with
life without him. Ada will be your friend,
And so will Her, and Taiko, and
Perplex, and Whisper, and Kinoshi,
and Her, and Stumps, and Alpha,
and Walter, and Twenty One and
everyone else I know! It's okay
deer... Please be happy again!
PS: None of this was your fault,
Don’t you dare say it is!
I'm happier now. =D but I
I'm glad you've seen it
The next, harder step is to get through to Sluggs... I can only hope he'll forgive as you already have. Anyhow, I'm having oodles of fun with you now! <3 n____n We're still friends!
Okay Run... I'm still so
I'm still so sorry
this horid thing happened.
I'm glad you made
friends with Echo though,
she is a nice doe. You never
know... Maybe Sluggs will get a hold
of his senses and return to you
God Her! You must be
most encouraging deer I've ever met in
my whole entire life.
You really do know how to cheer
someone up!
(not being sarcastic)
oh, it'll be a hard step to
EDIT: AHH RUN I'M SURE YOU DO. Miss him all you want! It's okay, too. I'm also hoping he'll get on so I can go rear some sense into him. Whenever he shows up, though, I'd encourage you to act as if you were still a couple. Don't avoid him. Nudge him, follow him, laugh with/at him, do something! =D You can't possibly hate Slugg-bear, so you can't possibly fake hating him in the forest.
OH NO! I'm having some
I feel REALLY bad, so to
Please don't get upset anymore!
oh, but that's embarassing..
I am very glad that you and
*Blushes* I'm the noisest
Oh Run... You'll find
another just like him!
Any stag would fall madly in
love with you Run.
You're so sweet!
Oh and please don't
change your name!
It's beauitful!
Who wouldn't!
Stumps (my stag): har...har... har... *blush*
Run, I'm deeply sorry to
But I'm glad you forgave poor Echo. <333 ... it wasn't really her fault.
She's a nice little doe, she is. 8D
Esll doesn't know now whether to teach that Sluggs a lesson next time they meet or if he should back off and leave things be. However, I think he deserves to know just how badly he hurt Run. ;D
I hope things get better for the both of you.
I can try find another one
So I'm the evil one
Look here, Run has left me standing in the forest time after time without saying goodbye, she's been back here since leaving TEF, reading these blogs, but hasn't been in touch with me. It only takes a minute to write a message here, or email me, but she did neither. I decided that she didn't care for me any longer, so I looked for a new mate. Is that so wrong?
I still have feelings for you, dear Run, but I'm with Echo now. You're a beautiful doe Run, you'll find someone else soon enough. I wish you hadn't had left the forest like that, I wish you had at least let me know what was going off, but it wasn't to be. Please don't make out I just ran off with another Doe while you were away, because I'm not that type of Stag.
Take care,
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yes, I said it was my fault!
Oh, please now, you are not
I should have thought twice about what I was doing with Sluggs, and I wasn't thinking about anybody else but me at the time, and I wish I had thought about you.
thanks. =) don't think about
Remember what I said, "I
=) you are a nice doe, Echo.
I'm glad everyone's feeling
Sure, maybe Run could've still been able to contact you, Sluggs. But if you're busy, you're busy, and that's something that can't be easily avoided.
And sure, it may have been better if Sluggs had waited until Run returned. But with no contact from Run whatsoever, I guess I can say it's not really fair to blame Sluggs for getting together with another doe, either.
[/end of pointless point]
once again: it's my fault
I lol'd at Sluggs story.
That wasn't a story! You
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"We stags" is the proper
Not a story? A tale, then? And I beg to differ! Does are females, and what do females do in real life but stay with each other until something stupid comes around that they may complain about and eventually end whatever relationship they had? I am someone who absolutely despises the invention of the phone, and I only like being with my friends in school; sleepovers and the like make me sick. I'm not your average doe, thank you.
It's the males that have a team for life. Men are so strange! They never fight and they think everything they do is right, and you know it. This is a perfect example of that.
I am in such a catty mood right now. >:I
PMS'n, I suppose? [flails] It shows, too, I take it. xD I wasn't exactly an angel to you and Echo a short while back. This will fade. But as of now, I'll be honest and say I'm not happy with your choice.
*Runs into the oak to
Somebody shout when it's safe to come out! Hey, I'm a Poet and I didn't know it! OMG, there I go again, LOL!
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[evil laughter] >:D
Don't be sad anymore I can
♥ ♥
I agree, but let us not
We all know that men are different and we all know
females are strange, well when a female
(Her) tells a male (Sluggs) his sex is very
odd and sometimes not really tolerate able. That's
usual because I'll bet Sluggs feels the same way
about girls. And Her, dear I must correct you,
men ALWAYS fight
And about the insult to does,
*takes a deep breath* I am a girl,
Ada is a doe. Ada loves Sluggs in
a friend way and she wouldn't shun
him in the forest. But now you say
stuff about girls? We're all different girls.
For your information, I'm a girl who hardly
even plays or even talks with her friends,
I'm a girl who like her DESPISES the
phone. I am a girl who wears dark colors,
I am a girl who sometimes dreams of being a boy.
My favorite color is tan, I also like the color
brown, I like black and especially gray.
If you take me for a snobby girl who likes
chattering on the phone, killing people
with her fashion talk and murdering peoples
eyes with a bright pin color. Think again.
All is forgiven. =)
WOOWW this page is getting
Sluggs you're not evil nor
But, I do think you should think about your choice...
You should pick the one that cares aboiut you and that is better, But for Echo to suggest to Run that she would not be your mate... Well, that just seems like she doesn't care. I have noting against Echo I'm just telling the truth, and trying to look out for you Sluggs.
And you can choose which one you like, heck, you can choose neither and Whisper will still llove you as a friend. She knows waht you're going through she has lost a mate also... Just remeber Whisper is here for you and I know you're here for her, because you protected her when that deer was being mean.
Whisper will always be there for Sluggs no matter what. Just remeber Sluggs, I'm here to help. ^^
Agreed Fincayra. I'm
for snapping Sluggs. I've been really...
disturbed lately
Whisper, the only reason I
I have a very strong love for Sluggs, but I knew that Run's love for him was much stronger than mine. Run and Sluggs have been together for who knows how long, and Sluggs and I have only been together for a few days, and I'm just getting to know him right now.
Dearest Run, My heart is in
My heart is in tatters, and is yearning for you! I want to be back by your side. I'm so sorry I ran off with another Doe, but I really thought you didn't care for me any longer. Can you ever forgive me?
It would make me very happy if we could forget about all this, and get back to the way we were.
I wanted to approach you earlier, but didn't have the courage, so I kept my distance.
I'm so sorry to have to hurt you, Echo, but I need to be back by Run's side. I hope you can understand. I just can't live without my Run! *Sniff*
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Fear not, Sluggs - Esll has
Now do the both of you promise to contact each other when you're leaving for a while so this doesn't happen again?
*bites lips* Aww! We've been
We've been together since december last year, haven't we?
I'll play TEF more now.
And if something happens I promise that I'll tell you!
Our internet will close very soon.
It will open again when we're finish cleaning rooms. =/
I'll clean as fast as I can!
Echo.. hope you still are our friend. =)
YAY, we're back together!
I'll see you later, dear Run.
<3 <3 <3
PS. Special thanks to all our friends for being there for us when we needed them.
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Yes, we can still be
You've made the right
I'm in the forest now.
I'm so happy! Thank you, friends<3
I don't know what to say! =3
Esll will be sure to give
Sluggs, *hugs* You have made
made the right choice my friend!!!!
Congrats Run! Now who wants cake and
tea? Or milk? Or cookies?
*hands them out*
Maybe Echo didn't know
Yeah, Echo is a good
I'm going to go into the forest in
a few minutes and love on her.
She's really upset now.
But she is good, she probably didn't.