Appearance II

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Name: Elzire (ĕl -ZĒR)
Alias: Ellie
Symbol: rain drops
Gender: androgynous female
Species: TEF deer variation
Age: 3+ TEF years
[1 earth year = 2 TEF years]
Birth: Jan 21, 2012
Orientation: heterosexual
Height: 28
Scent: sharp citrus, mango fruit, mild cedar wood
Set: Noh pelt - Noh nubs
Diet: omnivore

Favorite Place: birch forest



- amiable
- affectionate
- strong distaste for favoritism
- forgives readily
- forms bonds quickly
- a peacemaker
- non-confrontational
- optimist
- sensitive. can be sentimental, but rarely
- humble and somewhat timid, but can conjure a bold attitude when needed


- thin stature
- androgynous features
- long legs
- head hair grows longer than all other body hair, appears blond-ish
- eyes are deep pools of liquid orange
- human face
- canine-like teeth
- pale, sensitive skin
- very short, tan antler stubs


- Born a mute; cannot speak. Relies solely on body language to communicate thoughts / feelings
- Raised a Christian. Believes in the concept of souls.
- Her only possession is a small Bible, which she cherishes
- Seeks guidance from an unseen force
- Loves all, including enemies
- Is moved by the beauty of nature, finds happiness and contentment in simple things
- Demonstrates adept body language skills and has a way of speaking to you with her eyes
- Is pure in heart, equitable, and thinks things should not be judged by their appearance
- Would sit with unnamed and named deer alike. Seeks out lone deer to keep them company. Does not care how these things affect her reputation.
- Has yet to discover the purpose of her life
- Flee rather than fight if threatened
- Drawn to strange appearances, behaviors, noises and crowds, but tends to observe from a distance
- Can become easily startled or amazed
- Will not hesitate to put herself between an aggressor and her friend
- Amateurish with forest magic. Has never fully learned how to control it.
- Antler stubs can be rubbed off with applied force, then start to grow back slowly. They never grow past a certain length.
- Has her fair share of bad days, but never stays gloomy or cross for long since she realizes the good things in life outweigh the sour things.
- If she becomes angry, she won't vent onto an innocent creature or a guilty one, but will ask her guiding force to take her anger away.
- Has a good conscience; would much rather do what is right because she sees it pointless to do what is wrong.
- Terrified of the Raven bird for good reasons. Has had bad experiences around these particular birds and considers them to be a bad sign and of evil origin. Cowers when the call is heard and avoids them for fear of being cursed.


Name Description

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Gift Art

From Aquilo -


A big thank-you goes out to the creator of the Endless Forest Directory (jala) and a few of its contributors, for the helpful blogs which gave me the insight on how to alter this page: Unplugged, Nirvana, Apeldille (for Deer Size Comparison Chart), (for symbol page) and outside sources such as (for fixed menu),, MP3 Player Generator,, BeeMp3 and for the number codes. I do not own the music (Bonobo - Recurring and Múm - Green Green Grass Of Tunnel), nor the piece of code for the music player (found at Unplugged's CSS Quick Reference page). Screenshot by me. Interaction is more than welcome with this character. I do not own anything here with the exception of the character idea. The content in this biography might be subject to copying or redistributing, but this will always be the original blog. And please note that if Elzire moos, it is by mistake that the button for such was clicked.

It looks very neat..

It looks very neat..
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Elzire's picture

Wow, thank you! I think your

Wow, thank you! I think your Biography page looks quite professional, myself..
How do you describe both the beginning and the end? We should have known better, but we didn't. What does it matter what we think we know? In the end, there's no denying the truth. - Left Behind --[Art by Aquilo]